3rd function valve / spool question?


New member
Jan 20, 2018
I have a B8200 with front end loader that i want to install a small grapple. I already know how to install the 3rd function valve. But what I want to know is why can't I just upgrade from my stock 2 spool valve to a new 3 spool valve which is half the price of a 3rd function kit. Cant find any information on this route online for a grapple addition. Will it work ?


New member
Jan 20, 2018
Also why does everyone try to sell the 3rd function kits with wires and solenoids etc. adding a single valve seems so much easier and cost effective thats why im baffled that if this works why is it not on here


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
I just went through this, and for 200 bucks in hose and misc fittings, plus 100 for the new/additional valve, I left the FEL thingie as it was and now have a third function for about $300.00. Here's the thread, it may help, it may also confuse you at first, it did me. http://www.orangetractortalks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34146

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention my project is complete, but yet untested, as I wait for a "power beyond plug" that should have came with my new valve but didn't. This Tuesday or so it should arrive, and 5 minutes later I'll fire it up and see if it works. Bottom line is, I did like teg so handily summed up. The project started off simple, then got complicated, until I got educated, then got simple again. Understanding the terminology was a big part!



2017 L2501. Landpride Mower. Farm King Snow Blower. DIY Root Bucket grapple.
Jun 30, 2017
Northern Canada
Same here. I was a bit intimidated instaling my 3rd function because I knew nothing about hydraulics, but a bit of research and questons on here and things cleared up quickly.
I often thought about why everyone goes with the electric/hydraulic valve also. I chose that route because it seemed like the thing to do. I have had my 3rd function for about six months and have just tried it out yesterday on my DIY root bucket with grapple. All my parts come out to just over $300 but since I have done it I have wondered if going the electric/hydraulic route was best. The more I use my loader and get more proficient with feathering the controls, I sometimes wish I would have just went with another joystick for better control.