3 PT. quick hitch on loader?


New member

B7500. FEL, Piranha tooth bar, box scraper, post hole digger, 3 pt. bucket
Oct 26, 2013
Loudonville OHIO
SSQA stands for "Skid Steer Quick Attach" AKA "Bobtach", what he has is a propietary "quick attach" or hitch as you say, that is not very common, so finding forks to fit it is a challenge and not cheap.
Bingo. The dealer said they never sold forks for my loader since it was a pin on bucket.

I kicked around the idea of having a SSQA plate welded up to fit on my loader but most skid steer attachments are way to heavy for my tractor. Plus I would have had to have my bucket reworked. The auction I bought my bucket at last Saturday had a few skid steer buckets and they all sold for over $500. The one I bought was 175$.

I have all kinds of plans for the quick hitch. Getting my snow plow out of my bucket and on the quick hitch is at the top of the list. I also have a boom pole that fits the QH that will be great for picking things up high. The hook on top of the QH should be great for lifting heavy stuff and save my bucket from any more abuse.


New member

B7500. FEL, Piranha tooth bar, box scraper, post hole digger, 3 pt. bucket
Oct 26, 2013
Loudonville OHIO
Well crap. I went to hook up my 3 pt. trailer mover today and it wouldn't fit in the rear QH. Looks like the new one uses the smaller size pins. Not sure what to do. About 1/2 of my attachments have the big pins already in them and if I change to the small pins I will have to use the bushings on the front QH. Making the slots in the new QH bigger seems like best idea just not sure I am brave enough to start cutting on it.



New member

B7500. FEL, Piranha tooth bar, box scraper, post hole digger, 3 pt. bucket
Oct 26, 2013
Loudonville OHIO
Orange paint makes everything better.

Didn't want to take the hitch off ( since its so heavy ) but wanted my bucket in the garage so I came up with this. Worked pretty slick. Going to replace the all thread with bar stock and come up with something better then the chain.

Did a little ( well a lot ) grinding and got the cat. 2 pins to fit in the cat. 1 hitch. Couldn't change the pins due to the nuts being welded in the tube.



New member

B7500. FEL, Piranha tooth bar, box scraper, post hole digger, 3 pt. bucket
Oct 26, 2013
Loudonville OHIO
Got some paint on the forks and got the pins in the new bucket. Still need to get a coat of paint on it.

Packed down to fit in the garage.