I am fairly new to 3 point hitches and implements. What is the proper way to adjust the turnbuckles with the implement all the way up or at operating height? If I adjust them when the implement is all the way up they are loose when I drop it to operating height and the opposite when I adjust them at operating height and when I raise it up they are extremely tight. Thanks
That is going to depend on the model, and how the stabilizers are mounted. As the lift arms go up and down, the stabilizers travel with them. But, the stabilizers, while mounted on the same plane as the base of the lift arm, travel a slightly difference arc- because they are mounted at an angle. Therefore, if you adjust them tight at a given point, they will tighten up or loosen, as the arms travel up or down. How much and where will depend on how much angle is on the stabilizer in relation to the lift arm. Therefore, turnbuckles can not be adjusted banjo-tight. There needs to be a slight amount of play, to allow for these variations. The system isn't designed to keep the implement absolutely fixed- there has to be some play. The idea is to eliminate most sway, not every bit of it.
So, you should experiment with your particular model. I know that on the B7100, if you adjust the turnbuckles tight when the implement is on the ground, they will progressively tighten up as you raise the implement. Others may vary. But, if you attach the implement, raise it about half way, and then adjust the stabilizers to have enough stabilization without being super tight, you should be fine. You can slowly raise and lower the implement, and watch the stabilizers- you should be able to see if they tighten and loosen, and if they tighten too much.
As a side note, this is partly why turnbuckles get broken- they get stretched and pulled apart partly due to side load of implements, and partly because of the pressures imposed when being too tight and then being subjected to the power of the 3 point lift.