3 Point Behavior


Lifetime Member

Kubota M6800/Westendorf TA26, IH 82, NH 648
Sep 30, 2024
The answer may be that I need to just search the forums, but at this point I need help with where to start. I recently fixed the hydraulics on my M6800 by simply replacing the fluid and filters (just got tractor home, fluid was nasty and filters were clogged with remnants of a brake job done by tractor guy). 3 point lift PTO hydraulic line and power steering all work great now, so I decided to test by attaching my new t post driver and trying that out. It attaches to the 3 point, so we put a 6' t post in and engaged the cylinder. When we did so, the 3 point arms lifted as the t post sat on the dirt under the influence of the extending post driver hydraulic cylinder. The guy I was with has a n M6800 and had noted some issues with draft control before, and consulting the manual we tried to determine where the "lock" position is for the arm lift and draft control levers. We didn't enjoy any success, so we moved on to installing loader brackets.

Later, I played with it and found that while i cannot press the drawbar down, I CAN lift the arms/drawbar up quite easily. I am not sure if this is another issue that needs addressed or simply my lack of understanding of how to set up the lift and draft control levers to keep the arms in place. I am sure this has come up before, but I wanted to get headed in the vaguely correct direction before I start hunting.


Active member

1949 Farmall M, previously owned: L 4610, BX 2230
Apr 5, 2016
Greensboro, NC
Having the arms float upward freely is normal for 3 point setups without the draft control engaged. Any attachment other than a tillage implement - a bush hog, for example - needs to ride up when crossing uneven ground.

You need an operator's manual and a shop manual !


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
The answer may be that I need to just search the forums, but at this point I need help with where to start. I recently fixed the hydraulics on my M6800 by simply replacing the fluid and filters (just got tractor home, fluid was nasty and filters were clogged with remnants of a brake job done by tractor guy). 3 point lift PTO hydraulic line and power steering all work great now, so I decided to test by attaching my new t post driver and trying that out. It attaches to the 3 point, so we put a 6' t post in and engaged the cylinder. When we did so, the 3 point arms lifted as the t post sat on the dirt under the influence of the extending post driver hydraulic cylinder. The guy I was with has a n M6800 and had noted some issues with draft control before, and consulting the manual we tried to determine where the "lock" position is for the arm lift and draft control levers. We didn't enjoy any success, so we moved on to installing loader brackets.

Later, I played with it and found that while i cannot press the drawbar down, I CAN lift the arms/drawbar up quite easily. I am not sure if this is another issue that needs addressed or simply my lack of understanding of how to set up the lift and draft control levers to keep the arms in place. I am sure this has come up before, but I wanted to get headed in the vaguely correct direction before I start hunting.
There is no down pressure or factory hold down lock on the 3pt. If you need a 3pt hold down you will have to roll your own.

3pt post drivers typically use the inertia of the impIement and a large free falling weight or a spring to fire the hammer.

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Lifetime Member

Kubota M6800/Westendorf TA26, IH 82, NH 648
Sep 30, 2024
There is no down pressure or factory hold down lock on the 3pt. If you need a 3pt hold down you will have to roll your own.

3pt post drivers typically use the inertia of the impIement and a large free falling weight or a spring to fire the hammer.

I am very glad to hear this, as I was concerned that I had a problem with my 3 point. This driver is just a vertical cylinder that pushes the post straight down into the dirt in one smooth motion. The guy who had it used it on an MF, which apparently has a slightly different 3 point setup which can force the arms down. My thought is to mount it to my front loader hay spear where it won't interfere with moving round bales but I can change the angle as well. The hoses need replaced anyway, so getting longer hoses is a minima cost increase.

Thanks so much for the advice guys!