if you pull injectors for cleaning be prepared to replace them. I don't remember the actual cost but I think they're about $1000 each.
and if you do have to replace them you won't be able to properly do it without registering the new injectors to the ecu
and if you have the old ones sent out for testing you better know which ones came out of which hole they are all 4 different from each other even though they all carry the same part number from kubota. Oh what fun
lots of guys have gotten away with it for a little bit and then the dpf gets plugged or it wants to regen way too frequently and they blame it on that dad burn dpf, when in fact it was the injectors information not being entered at all or improperly, causes all sorts of potential issues. I can remember at least one for sure, SVL90, guy put 4 new injunktors in it and complained all day long about how poorly it was running, something was wrong with the injectors, etc etc. So I appeased him and removed all 4 injectors (no fun task on an SVL90), got the information off of them, checked the information in the ecu and guess what? Different. Explained it to the guy, who then agreed to pay the labor costs to re-register them individually and after that it was hunky dorey. Only cost him a set of injectors (that he purchased) and a bunch of labor for me to pull them out, then reinstall them. Would have been about 1/2 to just let us install them the first time but dealers are all out to get people, they call us stealers but ain't got a half a clue what actually happens behind those doors.
consider injector removal and/or replacement dealer only level stuff
you may have some emissions warranty left on it let them deal with it. If you are not sure about emissions warranty call dealer with your serial number and ask 'em about it. Emissions only covers some items that deal directly with emissions stuff so it may not be fully covered, BUT, if you have to carry it to the dealer tell them to call you if it's an item that is NOT covered, make them put it on the repair order and then sign it.
$4000 worth of injectors gets expensive quick. Then if the supply pump is damaged, add another $2500 or so. Fuel rail? $1500 give or take. Don't take long to add up to a bunch of money. Let kubota buy the stuff if it's needed, if they can. Little stuff I do myself but if it's gonna be a bigger deal, pay someone else or let the manufacturer eat it if at all possible.