I recently inherited my grandpa's tractor. 1999 B2400 HST. Has a LA351 FEL. It sat indoors for some time, roughly 3-4 years. The issues I'm having are hydraulic related. 3 point is slow but lifts box blade. Have no other attachments to know if it struggles with weight. FEL has okay speed at full RPMs, but boom up and down can't lift a half bucket of dirt. Curl seems great, fast and lifts tractor off the ground. Once ran for a little bit, I assume when fluid is warm everything slows drastically down. But here is the most obvious concern to me, and I don't think it's normal. No hydraulic will work unless power steering is engaged. Tractor can be full rpm and nothing will move until I put pressure on steering/wheels. I'll have to turn and hold to raise/lower anything. I'm thinking my issue lies with that. Here is all what I've done to make zero progress. Replaced all hydraulic lines. Rebuilt all cylinders on FEL. Drained and replaced fluid with Kubota super UDT2. Replaced filter. Cleaned filter screen. Checked relief spring under seat. Seemed clean and replaced oring. Replaced all orings on control valve. Replaced all quick connect fittings. Glad I did all this but tractor acts the same as before any work. Hydraulic fluid is leaking from underneath where I believe the power steering is located. Can't pin point leak though. I'm working in buying a test gauge as I know that's vital to own with this equipment. Thanks for reading and appreciate any and all help I may receive. Thanks