-15 and started right up / NIW complaint thread

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2009 B3200, 2007 Dodge/Cummins powered Ram 2500 395hp
May 17, 2012
Re: -15 and started right up.....

With all due respect D2, I think Wolfman was a little over the edge in his post and was insulting other peoples posts. It***8217;s no different than the people he was complaining about and being a Moderator doesn***8217;t give one any more rights than the next person. This is not the first time Wolfman has done this recently.
I totally agree! This Idaho Wolfman IS like the "Other" forums where everyone is insulting each other.
A moderator should be an "Even Keeled" person, NOT an "Attacker" of the other members. Seems like there is "ONE" on every site that thinks they know it all and talk down to anyone who thinks differently than them. If the owner wants to run their tractor for an hour, It's his tractor, His Fuel.
The only concern about running a diesel at low speed unloaded in especially cold weather would be "wet stacking" where the combustion temps aren't hot enough to burn all of the fuel. This can cause cylinder wear.

So if what the OP did was unnecessary, in only ONE individuals opinion, then why are stationary emergency generators run generally once a month to "Exercise" them???? I run my 7.5JB, Onan generator, powered by natural gas about once a month. It powers my home when we lose power. The only thing I do is to load it with 4KW of resistive load.
If this ONE individual say had to go to an Emergency hospital because He or one of his family had been sick or injured, then the utility power goes out, seconds later the Hospitals "Regularly exercised" generator comes on line seconds later and restores partial power to the hospital, I would think He would be DAMN Glad someone checked it to make sure it would start and run ....Even in MINUS temperatures. By the way, Most generators that are run to exercise are run for a certain amount of time UNLOADED and doing nothing but running.
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
Re: -15 and started right up.....

You guys bashing the mod should do some re-reading of posts that sidecar flip has posted since hes been here. Read between the lines this time. Hes in a perpetual dick measuring contest with everyone about everything. This is annoying to people who pick up on it and what better of a person to knock some sense into people like than to hear from MOD with ban hammer powers.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Re: -15 and started right up.....

Without direction this forum won't exist as we know it. I'd like to keep it going.

Here's the tractor.
All very well said, 'Cat.

That tractor won't run....;)

(I remember your project...maybe the PB Blaster jarred my memory loose!):)
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Active member

2009 B3200, 2007 Dodge/Cummins powered Ram 2500 395hp
May 17, 2012
Re: -15 and started right up.....

You guys bashing the mod should do some re-reading of posts that sidecar flip has posted since hes been here. Read between the lines this time. Hes in a perpetual dick measuring contest with everyone about everything. This is annoying to people who pick up on it and what better of a person to knock some sense into people like than to hear from MOD with ban hammer powers.
What sidecar flip has posted in other posts has nothing to do with this post. All he stated was that his diesel tractor was able to start in a very cold condition. He may or may not have used it recently. He wanted to make sure when the rendering truck came and as cold as his state has been, he wanted to make sure it would start or not. That way if it didn't start, he would know to take extra measures to make sure it would start when he NEEDED it.
I have over 50 years of Automotive, gas, diesel, air cooled and water cooled engine and running gear experience. I'm here to help, not knock down some member just because I, 1) Think I know it all and 2) throw it back at another member touting that he is the moderator (Meaning in my book that HE knows it all). WE all put our pants on one leg at a time. I personally have been a recipient of being talked down to. What that does is make me not post or be involved. If a guy is being, as you quoted a "Dick" then, in my opinion, the MODERATOR should PM the person and remind him/her of the site guidelines and ask that they be adhered to. Not stomped on on the public pages. We ALL know the old saying about "Opinions".......


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3901 LA525
May 31, 2015
NE Wisconsin
Re: -15 and started right up.....

I say snap the lock on this one, Wolfman! Lets get back to tractor related talk.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Re: -15 and started right up.....

It's not one post, but a series of post that lead to my comments!

I like Sidecarflip, , I just think that some of his comments are a little condescending towards others with smaller tractors, and that he does a little too much "bragging" about his big M's. ;)

Now do i hope he took care of his cowsicle issue, you bet, like he said when it warms up just a little... NOT GOOD!
I grew up on a working cattle ranch, I know what it's like!
Extreme cold is not good on People, Animals, or Tractors

And Yes this is my OPINION and I'm sticking with it!

Does it mean I won't give him or others like him, honest and straightforward advice or help on issues, not at all!

For those that like me or at least appreciate what I do on here Thanks a Ton!

Now, For those that don't... There is this neat trick you can do... I'll let you figure it out. ;)
Yes Yopper a lock it is.
If anyone has a comment to make to me on this, http://www.orangetractortalks.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=13715 :click away!

Thanks, and have a wonderful day!
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North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Re: -15 and started right up.....

I'm reopening this thread so that members that expressed their dislike or distain of me or me being a moderator can do so.

Some thought I was trying to hide behind being a moderator, and thought I locked the thread as I didn't want others to see their comments.

Have at it, I won't edit or delete a single post, say what you wanna say! ;)
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Re: -15 and started right up.....

You, hide? Don't think so. You'd better not either. When it comes to Kubby's you are the knowledge base...

Up to 20 here this afternoon. Time for the shorts....:eek:

Need to fill stock tanks tomorrow and put out round bales. Cannot wait to see the electric bill end of the month. 1500 watts x 3 x 24 hours x a lot of days = a whopper.

Last winter I managed to skate pretty well, highest was 300 bucks. I bet the next one tops that.


Well-known member
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
Re: -15 and started right up.....

Have at it, I won't edit or delete a single post, say what you wanna say! ;)
Chevy sucks, Trump 2020. HA HA kind of taking advantage sorry

Anyway, Hey Flip quit being such a condescending prick to people and not everything is about you buddy.

And NIW, appreciate your service to this forum, maybe when people are being pricks just PM them to knock it off rather than do it public but thats not really our business how you operate.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Re: -15 and started right up.....

Chevy sucks, Trump 2020. HA HA kind of taking advantage sorry

Anyway, Hey Flip quit being such a condescending prick to people and not everything is about you buddy.

And NIW, appreciate your service to this forum, maybe when people are being pricks just PM them to knock it off rather than do it public but thats not really our business how you operate.
In real life, I'm a Harvey Milktoast but give me a keyboard and a cup of black coffee and I can become a keyboard Rambo.

I won't be around after Tuesday for a while. Wednesday at 7:15am, I'm getting sliced and diced. Checked with the OR nurse today, the OR is reserved for 7 hours. I have 2 surgeons so I presume I'll be tag teamed. Of course I won't be around until later (hopefully). 7-10 days in the hospital and 6-8 week recovery. I'm so excited I could wet my pants.... and I probably will, among other unpleasant things. least I have the farm stuff handled, I actually have some very good friends who will help, in real life.

Wife don't even know how to start the tractors, let alone feed the stock.

I'm sure everyone will have fun while I'm away, probably at my expense too.:)

I was under the false impression that being old was enjoying the 'Golden Years'. The only 'Golden' thing I have is when I take a leak, the 'golden stream'...lol

So, after Tuesday, I'm outta here but I'll try to be 'condescending' until then. Don't want to break the streak. Bad luck.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Gee, I was going to post that I started my tractor today just because it hadn't been started in a month, glad I didn't.:D



L4060 HSTC Loader, ZD326, ZD1211
Mar 9, 2016
Hyattstown, MD
I’m not sure what the problem is. This thread is just full of “Show Spoiler” messages.

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Active member

2009 B3200, 2007 Dodge/Cummins powered Ram 2500 395hp
May 17, 2012
I SALUTE you Wolfman for what you did by re-opening the thread. Takes a big person to do something like what you did. I want to apologize if I offended You or anyone else. I have an 85 year old friend that has been a friend through thick and thin. His favorite saying to me is "BE NICE". I need to adhere to that.


New member

Jun 7, 2018
Re: -15 and started right up.....

In real life, I'm a Harvey Milktoast but give me a keyboard and a cup of black coffee and I can become a keyboard Rambo.

I won't be around after Tuesday for a while. Wednesday at 7:15am, I'm getting sliced and diced. Checked with the OR nurse today, the OR is reserved for 7 hours. I have 2 surgeons so I presume I'll be tag teamed. Of course I won't be around until later (hopefully). 7-10 days in the hospital and 6-8 week recovery. I'm so excited I could wet my pants.... and I probably will, among other unpleasant things. least I have the farm stuff handled, I actually have some very good friends who will help, in real life.

Wife don't even know how to start the tractors, let alone feed the stock.

I'm sure everyone will have fun while I'm away, probably at my expense too.:)

I was under the false impression that being old was enjoying the 'Golden Years'. The only 'Golden' thing I have is when I take a leak, the 'golden stream'...lol

So, after Tuesday, I'm outta here but I'll try to be 'condescending' until then. Don't want to break the streak. Bad luck.
Hope all goes well with your surgery Sidecar..... I will pray for a speedy recovery! God Bless.

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Interesting thread.... quite silly most of it.

heres what I get...

#1 Sidecarflip's tractor started.... WOW ! who give a rats azz. :rolleyes:

#2 Why are cows roaming the pasture when it's -15° ?? (not too smart)

#3 I call BS on the whole cow story anyway...

#4 Wolfman offers more on this site than anyone else.

#5 My coffee pot is whistlin... gotta run. Later. :D



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Interesting thread.... quite silly most of it.

heres what I get...

#1 Sidecarflip's tractor started.... WOW ! who give a rats azz. :rolleyes:

#2 Why are cows roaming the pasture when it's -15° ?? (not too smart)

#3 I call BS on the whole cow story anyway...

#4 Wolfman offers more on this site than anyone else.

#5 My coffee pot is whistlin... gotta run. Later. :D
Lets dissect you comment(s) a bit....

1. I give a rat's azz. I need it to start and at -15 diesels don't like to start in as much as they are compression ignited....

2. Obvious to me that you are one of those individuals the think their meat comes from the grocery and mysteriously appears there when, in fact it don't. If you have livestock, it stays outside 99% of the time unless they decide to come in voluntarily, called a run in shed. Attrition is part of animal husbandry, cattle die and must be dealt with but that is one of those things you don't need to be concerned with. After all, your meat 'appears' at the meat counter at the grocery. You can come here anytime you want to preferably when I have a cull and you can deal with it. I'm sure you'd be enthused about that...not. Come in the summer and enjoy the stink of a rotting carcass. You might think twice about buying that meat at your local grocery store after that experience.

3. You don't have a clue. Pretty obvious. DA comments like that just prove that beyond a doubt. Wolfman knows, he's been there. Others on here also know. You don't. Just downright ignorant on your part but then I'll excuse that because you don't have a clue in the first place. It's said that 'ignorance is bliss'. That applies to you in spades.

4. Wolfman is an encyclopedia of knowledge. Usually if I have a question, I PM him and he always replies. Being a moderator on any site is basically a thankless, uncompensated job. I commend him for what he does. Moderation is a necessary evil. Unmoderated sites tend to become non-existent after a while because people cannot 'moderate' themselves. I believe you tend to be in that group. Your comments show that lack of restraint.

5. Instead of drinking the coffee you purchased at your local supermarket, why don't you have a cup of reality instead. Before making comments about things you know nothing about, do some due diligence and find out. The net is loaded with information, some good, some not so good but all worth researching.

Finally, remember that the items you conveniently purchased at your local supermarket, came from somewhere, most likely from a livestock operation like I have and didn't just appear on the shelf for you to purchase and feed your face with. Ignorance is bliss and you are that.



L2501, King Kutter, Landscape Rake, Titan 3pt forks
Sep 20, 2017
Pueblo, CO
As one who enjoys the conversation I dont have a local coffee "klatch", but this forum is my favorite to listen in while enjoying my cup or two in the morning. The rendering wagon pickup was fine as I wasn't eating my toast at the time:D

Thanks to all who contribute just like at the neighborhood cafe, and there is always the tidbit to be learned, as well as the opinions offered. I am also glad that observations and bragging are equally dispersed. I appreciate the respect and hopefully playful jabs that are hard to discern on a computer screen.
Good luck Sidecarflip and others as we deal with lifes challenges!

Oh I did fire up the little L yesterday and drug some gravel around for an hour...enjoyed the sun and the seat time:eek:

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Hawaiian Kona blend, thanks for asking... it’s delicious.

Yup, I picked it up in the supermarket along with some baby backs for the smoker today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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