12 VDC Chute Rotation Kit for BX Snowblower (or similar)

bird dogger

Well-known member
Vendor Member

Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
A year ago I convinced a brother to buy a nice used BX2230, complete with a bunch of attahments. One of which was a front mount snowblower. I made up this chute rotation kit for a Christmas gift and before Christmas came....he sold the snowblower! Thought I'd offer it up for sale to anyone in need.

This kit would've mounted up to his BX2750D snowblower, but guessing the diameter of the hand crankshaft stub is the same on many models.

Here are pics of the kit as it was put together back in 2021. See post # 9,945

The motor draws less than 2 amps DC and gives about 8 rpms in 3 seconds, which would equate to a fast handcrank. We used the same motor and mod on my neighbor's BX and snowblower.

I'm thinking $50 plus shipping. If the custom adapter bushing needs changing to fit your machine....that can be taken care of also.

You would need to wire in your own power using a 2 pole double throw (2P2T) center off switch for reversing the rotation. I might be able to find one for you and give you a basic wiring diagram with it. I think those switches are around $10.

If interested.....send me a PM.

bird dogger

Well-known member
Vendor Member

Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
the rotator still available?
Hello, Heavy Hank. I forgot to remove this ad or say it was no longer available since last winter. My bad!!

However, those geared motors from vehicle's power windows or power seats are usually found on Ebay or other online sites. I'd be happy to help you find one and give you some pointers on how we had set these up for the snowblower like you have. I still have a couple of the switches used for the power "chute rotation". Since there's lotsa time before the snow flies (hopefully) I'd even make you the shaft adapter that would connect the motor to the chute rotation shaft on your blower.

It's an easy mod to your snowblower that worked real well on both my neighbors and brother's blower (before he sold it, that is).

If interested, send me a message and we'll start the hunt for the motor.


Heavy Hank

New member

BX2230, front loader, front snowblower, 60" belly mower, Grass catcher
May 24, 2023
Bangor, Maine
I've got a motor I would need the shaft adapter and the switch and a wiring diagram. It is easier for me to e-mail shootist1911a1@yahoo.com
I'll get the measurement on the worm shaft and the motor shaft.
Thank you for the response.