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  1. L

    product made to clean fuel tank?

    Thanks for the help. i pulled the float inside the tank and used two 6" lenghts of chain with a gasoline and Seafoam mixture, then rinsed. It came out pretty good and tractor is running fine... would have been a lot better if I had the patience to shake for more than an hour.
  2. L

    product made to clean fuel tank?

    Anyone have a product recommendation or other solution for cleaning out the fuel tank? It has very light rust and some crud in tank... it's 30 years old. I removed the tank but really don't want to go the time/expense of having it professionally done. Thanks
  3. L

    Help with removing dash on b5200

    I finally got it figured out... The end of the throttle lever is threaded and bolted to a bracket that's attached to the steering column. It was so crudded up i couldn't tell it was a nut.. anyway problem solved. BTW, there is no horn.. just a dumby rubber button.
  4. L

    Help with removing dash on b5200

    Thanks for trying Matt. From the looks of it, even though I could get the retainer bands free the fuel tank won't come out without the dash off. I do appreciate your help and didn't mean to be impatient (although I guess I am) in my original post.
  5. L

    Help with removing dash on b5200

    I'm a first time user of this board and am puzzled by the lack of response to my question about removing the dashboard on my Kubota.. Maybe I don't have the right terminology or haven't provided enough info. Here's some more info. I've removed the steering wheel and the bolts that hold the...
  6. L

    Help with removing dash on b5200

    I'm trying to remove the dashboard on an (I think) early 80's Kubota to get at the gas tank and replace glow plug and horn....but I can't get the throttle lever off. Any advice? Thanks