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  1. R

    m59 seized up

    I have been trying things all day. I am going on where the sound came from. Initially it came from the front of the engine. I am finding now my only recourse is to remove the gearcase. I was hoping there was an easier way to get in and disconnect the oil gear. With gear disconected I...
  2. R

    m59 seized up

    Stumpy, Thanks for the feedback. A few notes. The made this noise such as a bearing seizing. I checked the oil, no metal. My thoughts are since the tractor had the noise only for a moment the first few seconds the first time I heard it and then the tractor ran fine all day. I...
  3. R

    m59 seized up

    My m59 will not turn over. The other day there was a load metal moan as I started the tractor but it went away quickly. I was unable to create the noise again during the day. The next day the noise was loud when starting so I shut down. Now the motor will not turn over. I have removed...
  4. R

    m59 front drive shaft removal

    Got it Just a couple of pins. thanks
  5. R

    m59 front drive shaft removal

    How do I remove the front drive shaft. I have ruptured my oil pan and am stuck in the woods. I can't see an easy way to remove the front drive shaft. Can I drop the forward mounts and maybe slide out? Thanks.