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  1. T

    GF1800 Wiring question

    Update: I found this thread about the Dynamo to Alternator upgrade. I had all of the parts required except for the 4 pin relay, so I used a 5 pin relay and socket, just cap and stow the extra wire...
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    GF1800 Wiring question

    Thanks.. Very helpful. at least I know how it is supposed to work. My alternator is at the hospital right now, should have it back in a couple of days. It is an internal regulator type. Chasing the wires, the original sky blue wires from the dynamo have been used to get the field and the sense...
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    GF1800 Wiring question

    I got my hands on the installation instructions for the B7324 conversion kit. But no diagram that shows the wire diagram. Instructions only show how to route the harness.
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    GF1800 Wiring question

    Thanks I have the WSM. No info on the alternator conversion
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    GF1800 Wiring question

    The previous owner removed the dynamo and installed an internally regulated altenator. No idea what the output amps are. I'm guessing more than the OEM dynamo. Regardless, it is charging the battery per my handheld voltmeter. The charge light on the dash does not work. Does anyone have a wiring...
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    GF1900 Restoration- Winter Project

    I'll do pictures as I go. I still have a couple more times to use it chopping leaves and yard clean-up before it gets too cold to work outside. Everything works very well (980 hours on the clock) so no need to get into the engine or HST. Lots of cleaning and painting.
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    L3901, 2017 Fuel System Component, what is this component?

    I found a replacement pump on Amazon for $15. Holdwell brand IIRC. Had to drill one of the mount holes a little bigger for my application, but works fine. Key on and "tick-tick-tick".
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    GF1900 Restoration- Winter Project

    This one (of the 4 I've owned) is by far the best. And 4x4. My plan for the winter is to pretty much strip it down and refinish it from the frame up. One thing I'd like to get is the serial number label. I've talked to dealers about getting a replacement, and the local ones don't seem to want to...
  9. T

    D600 getting little to no fuel to injectors

    I had a D722 the rack was stuck from setting. Pulled the pump and nozzles had them tested. Shop went thru the pump and checked nozzles. $150 later it fired right up and runs just fine.
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    I spent a few hours digging into the wiring. Visual inspection of insulation, checking resistance in each wire end to end, checking for opens and shorts to ground. No defects. Took all of the switches out of the circuits with jumpers, including the key switch. Ran for 20 minutes, no problem...
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    Thanks, I'll go back through the wiring again and double check the grounds. The combi box is brand new, the original had zero output to the shutdown solenoid. The original shutdown is locked solid, won't move at all. I'm guessing it shorted and smoked the stop circuit in the box. If I could...
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    I think I fixed it. No password needed. Anyone with the link should be ok.
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    Have not done a meter, but it makes a 12v test light blink.
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    Thanks-- linked to google drive. It looks like it's up now.
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    GF1800 Fuel Shutoff problem

    I've checked the wires, replaced the fuel pump, WSM states 20ohms resistance, had 3ohms. And a new shutoff solenoid. Starts and runs just fine, then the solenoid starts rapid cycling causing a miss and power loss. Sometimes at idle, it will shut the engine off. Then it will be fine for a while...
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    Kubota RTV 1140, no crank no start

    I just did some work on a D1105, the specs for your RTV1140 says that's the engine... The fuel solenoid has 3 wires, there is a ground, and 2 other wires, one is a pull in and then a run winding. When you turn the key to start, both of those wires are powered, then the pull in drops when the...
  17. T

    F-3060 With a V1305 Won't Start

    I just went thru that same thing with a F2560/D1105 3 cylinder-- low compression. Pulled the head, found valves were leaking pretty bad. Had the head done, still no start. Did a leak down test, air blowing past the rings. Pistons out, found the 2nd and oil rings were stuck. Ended up with new...
  18. T

    D722 engine wiring diagram

    I'll attach the diagram for a GF1800 Kubota mower with the D722 engine and a dynamo. Hopefully it will help..
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    I did it again!

    Finally got it-- wiring diagram attached: Another little note- I disconnected the fuel pump and it worked (shut down) perfectly. Checked the resistance thru the pump. Manual says 20 ohms, the pump was like 3.2 ohms. Replaced the fuel pump and it starts, stops and now works like it should.
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    I did it again!

    I for sure understand that-- My bride about had a stroke when I told her I'd bought another one.. That's 4 this year. I buy them not running, for parts, or what ever. So far I've been lucky- every one has been an fairly easy fix. Claen them up, fix what they need, full service and sell.