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  1. J

    Overheating Kubota

    Sorry for the delay but I was gone on vacation since the last post. Good news. I topped off the coolant and checked for bubbles. A few came up but not many. I ran it with the cap off for a few minutes and checked the level again. All seems to be staying and no leaks. Temp ran at about the...
  2. J

    Overheating Kubota

    I took a temperature reading of the top and bottom of the radiator where the hoses come out. After running hard the top was at 256 degrees and the bottom at 112 degrees. Definitely steam coming from the top of the radiator through the cap. Some spray of coolant on engine block. Are these...
  3. J

    Overheating Kubota

    I have a mid-90's B7100HST. I just had the engine rebuilt this past winter. Put a new radiator hose on as well. The tractor runs really hot after about 20 minutes of work and steam and coolant (a bit that puddles on the engine block) come out of the radiator cap. Yes, there is still fluid in...