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  1. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    Your thread was a very good alternative to a fairly common problem.
  2. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    True, I was referring to the power beyond on the steering unit
  3. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    Thats k KIndah what I was thinking. This is a 2 wheel drive and I'm never gonna put a fel on it. So don't need a power beyond on it
  4. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    That's the one I'm basically following.
  5. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    The 5 port has an out and an aux port. The 4 port don't know if it's just an out or a combined out and aux
  6. K

    B8200 convert to power steering

    Basically gonna follow the one thread on here but have a few questions. My 8200 is a 2 wheel drive hst. I have no plans to put a fel on it as it's only 2 wheel drive. So doing this and using the valve block by the brakes, do I need a 5 port jd steering or can I use a 4 port one? If I use a...
  7. K

    Issue with range shift on B8200

    i jdont think you have anything missing. just the lever is no longer lined up on the shift arm. your first picture. on the shift lever. there is a pin on the backside that goes into that slot your shift lever is hitting. i know because mine has come out a few times.
  8. K

    R.I.P The beloved Garden Tractor

    sorry those stamped metal frames make them a mower not a tractor
  9. K

    b8200 temp, oil pressure and volt gauges

    have any of you guys added these to your tractor and where did you mount the gauges at.
  10. K

    Best option for an alternator for a B8200

    there is one i bought off of ebay that i was able to use. its not a direct bolt on as you have to make a new bracket since its thicker thatn the dynamo and it would set against the exhaust manifold. it cost 50 bucks and its internally regulated so got rid of the regulator. works really well...
  11. K


    Ill take it
  12. K

    What RPM's should a Kubota B8200 engine Idle

    mine idles at about 800rpm
  13. K

    B8200 not charging

    An hst, yeah it ain't fitting there
  14. K

    B8200 not charging

    Nothing added. If anything I have reduced the possible load by changing the headlights out to led
  15. K

    B8200 not charging

    Ok. So from the regulator the green wire and the black wire go to the light. The 2 Grey wires fo to the dynamo. The red goes to the 15 amp fuse and hazard unit The white goes to the 10 amp fuse and the key switch. So assuming this is main power So hot line from altenator will go to the...
  16. K

    B8200 not charging

    I'm looking at some of the ones that are sized and use the same brackets
  17. K

    B8200 not charging

    I'm aware of that. Is there anything special to bypass the regulator though?
  18. K

    B8200 not charging

    Battery does take a charge. It better as it's only about 3 months old
  19. K

    B8200 not charging

    I know it's either the regulator or the dynamo. Probably the regulator. My question is would it be worth it to convert to an internally regulated altenator and bypass the external regulator? And if so, what changes at the regulator do I need to do?
  20. K

    Need some help with an b8200hst and rc60-82h mower deck.

    I have been asking for that bracket on here for months. How much would you take for both?