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  1. S

    Building a ballast weight

    Concrete needs 28 days to fully cure. Even though "dry", keep it out of the weather in your barn for the next several weeks. Wrap it in plastic to slow the cure, and wrap it with an old blanket to keep the heat generated during curing contained. Sending it out into cold weather too soon...
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    Kubota BX 25 Bucket hooks, are these any good ? which style?

    I put 2 hooks and 2 d-rings on my LX2610 when I bought it. Have never used the d-rings. I mounted the hooks in line with the curl cylinders. A year or so later, I mounted a 3rd hook in the center between the other two. Lifting something with one chain, lifting from the center of the...
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    Is there anyway to stop a leather belt from slipping on an old South Bend lathe

    Look up Power Transmission Belts in McMaster Carr. Pick the correct width as your existing belt. Order a few more inches than the current length of your belt. Look up the antique tractor guys in your area. Most will have access to a Clipper lacer. Do NOT put a leather belt back on...
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    trash bin carriers

    LX2610 here. I just back my container into the bucket, wrap a 1" strap around it to the hooks on the top of the bucket, and head down my 1300' driveway. Works well. Just have to drive a little cautiously, especially if the container is loaded top heavy.
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    My gutless wonder

    A couple things to check: 1) After you have verified the deck does not appear to have any drag in it, take the tractor some place where you can climb hills, but no grass to cut. Set the deck high. Drive the tractor up the hills. We're trying to put the tractor drive under a load, but not...
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    Bucket chain hook placement

    I initially put a pair in mine, in line with the cylinders. Works well for strapping something to the bucket to carry it around, but lifting something heavy, it causes the tractor to lean a bit, so bought another set. Mounted on the center, gave the other to my son for his tractor, as he was...
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    Log splitter

    Look at the size of the valve & hoses for your 3rd function. Look a the size of the hoses on your splitter. Could it be made to work? Probably. Problem is, the 3rd function system wasn't designed to run a 4" cylinder. It could work, but be terribly slow. I side with the folks who...
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    Drilling and Tapping my ROPS for LED Lights.."OH The Madness"

    What you have done has not necessarily affected it's ability to do it's job. It's just that the ROPS is a safety item who's strength was designed and tested as it was supplied. As a dealer, that safety item has been potentially compromised, thus, for liability's sake, they are required to...
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    Cockpit floor light for LX2610

    Here's pictures of the installed light in action...... It's a near flush mount clearance light requiring a 3/4" hole to mount in.
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    Cockpit floor light for LX2610

    Winter time, it gets dark pretty early here in Michigan. Most of my snow plowing is after I get home from work, thus, after dark. Shortly after buying the tractor, I put a series of LED lights on the ROPS, pointing forward and rearward. They do well, but I've noticed the cockpit would be...
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    Land Pride box blade - - tooth keepers

    Son bought a slightly used Land Pride 5' box blade. The keepers to hold the teeth in position are apparently tough to use in the field. He has heard some folks have made modifications to them to make the adjustment more user friendly. Any hints on these ideas ? Thanx !
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    How strong is the front axle? GF1800

    Just wondering how stout the transmission is? Loaders on these compact tractors are supposed to be run in low gear to be able to push into a pile of dirt. Too high of a range, and you'll stall the tractor before your bucket is any where near full.
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    Grapple purchase - Install

    New equipment probably doesn't have any fluid in the system due to cost and the variety of fluids used out there. Install it. Cycle it fully a couple dozen times. Shut the tractor off and check the fluid level and add as necessary. Unless you have a big spill, you shouldn't have to add...
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    Recommendations on post hole digger

    Weird as it may sound, keep the cutting edges sharp. They do dig much easier.
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    Best Towing Option

    Be mindful that towing a trailer from the 3-point mounted draw bar, that it can be lifted to the limits of the arms quite easily (try pulling up on the arms). If your trailer becomes heavy in the rear, the hitch will lift up and potentially cause problems. As others have said, if you have the...
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    PTO Driven log splitter vs. stand alone L3902HST

    Couple things to consider: 1) You're putting hours on a $30,000-ish dollar tractor & engine driving your splitter. 2) Tough to use your tractor to haul wood or manage logs without breaking the set up for splitting. 3) Really investigate the GPM capability of your tractor. Shame to run...
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    My take on carryall, lites and brake lite

    If you have access to one, a router with a 3/8" round over bit will soften a lot of the sharp edges that will offer up splinters in the future. Else, some time with a sanding disk will help a lot too.
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    Coupling for grapple not connecting have to have the tractor off so you're not fighting the pressure, but also, look at the knurled sleeve. There's a small notch in it. There's a small pin that this must rotate and line up to to allow it to travel back far enough. Looking at your video, you're not lined up...
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    Counter weight vice

    Found a decent vice at an estate sale for $5. Cleaned it up & painted it. Made a mounting pad, and welded it to the counter weight for my LX2610. Gonna be handy when sharpening a chain saw in the field, and other times a vice will be handy outside of the shop. The counterweight was...
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    Pros and cons of snow removal options

    I've used my Jubilee with a back blade for several years in my residential neighborhood. When we bought the current place out in the woods, a LX2610 followed me home. Driveway is 1400' long. Last year, I used a 6' back blade with factory snow skids mounted to keep from removing all of the...