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  1. B

    Quick Hitch

    I received them yesterday, gave them a quick try, and it's not looking good. As far as fit, they were tight until I ground down a couple of small weld tits on the tractor that were sticking up higher than the rest of the lift arms. They fit really sloppy. Then I took them off and inserted the...
  2. B

    Box Blade

    Hmm, good point but I sort of have a plan. I'm hoping the clumps will fill in the holes and I'd be going over it a few times. And if it's all clumps, I'd wait for a small amount of rain and drive over it to smooth it out. Or a lot of rain and then let it dry some before trying to smooth it...
  3. B

    Box Blade

    I saw another type of equipment similar to a box blade. it has the scarifiers but instead of the square box end it has two "ramps" that the soil flows over and falls down from. It would pull easier because it doesn't fill with dirt. I understand the scarifiers can/will still get stuck on some...
  4. B

    Box Blade

    It's not a few small spots. It's many hundreds of spots that could be cut off or filled in. I think it would take a couple tri-axle loads of topsoil even though the area is only about 1/2 acre.
  5. B

    Box Blade

    Thanks again. I was looking and maybe I could be better off with a Yikes!
  6. B

    Box Blade

    Thanks! I'm on the side of a mountain, but not at too steep of an area. As far as the rocks, most of them would be under 6". Most sit low enough that I can mow over them. Then there are some that are of unkown size, but I've dug up a few similar ones that ended up being about 2'+ around (and...
  7. B

    Box Blade

    I have a very uneven bumpy lawn. I'm thinking of getting a box blade to level it off but a couple questions. First, will my little BX2370 pull it when it's digging in a bit? Second, if I hit a very large rock, will it jump over it, stop the tractor dead in its tracks, or bend/break a...
  8. B

    Quick Hitch

    I was picturing the snug fit on the ball. Hopefully they won't limit any travel, THAT would be a problem!
  9. B

    Quick Hitch

    I'm going to order them. I'll let you know if they need persuading. If I had a choice, I'd like them a little on the snug side rather than loose and wobbly.
  10. B

    Quick Hitch

    I'm younger but hurt like I'm older. I wish I had smooth level concrete, or anything that is smooth and level. I live on a mountain with lots of rocks. The FEL goes on and off in the shed which is only 10'x12' , the difference of two inches makes a big difference.
  11. B

    Quick Hitch

    Another bonus with this type is that if you have an implement with a drive shaft you won't need to lengthen it. I'm *fabricationingly* challenged and my welder won't do 1/2" steel. I can make what some sellers on Amazon call a stabilizer bar. (I'd call it a spreader bar).
  12. B

    Quick Hitch

    Yes! He had his son send me pics and his might be a different brand but they are the same thing. With them and adding what some places call a "stabilizer bar" (holds the arms apart to the width you want) seems as though it will make things much easier for me. As too why I need them, hey, I'm...
  13. B

    Quick Hitch

    Thanks but no, that would still make it longer. From what he said, it's two pieces just like these: But they mount on the lift arms vertically.
  14. B

    Quick Hitch

    Hi, I'm looking for a quick hitch that doesn't extend the lift arms. I was talking to a friend who says his mount vertically but I don't see any like that. He is 700 miles away and not computer literate so it could take some time to get his son to email some pics. My BX2370 just barely fits...
  15. B

    BX25 won't crank all of sudden

    Put a voltmeter clipped onto the large terminal of the starter and the other lead to ground on the engine. Key off. Then test again while in the cranking position. If you don't get full 12 volts, backtrack and find the fault. If that looks good, turn the key to crank and see what the voltage...
  16. B

    PTO engagement

    The manual states to go from full throttle down to half speed to engage the pto. IDK, does anyone normally run at full throttle?
  17. B

    Differential Lock

    Exactly. A separate brake/pedal for each side would be nice, it sure makes sharp turns in mud easier. I used to use them on my old neighbors big yellow JD loader/hoe
  18. B

    PTO engagement

    Yes thank you very much! That line in the manual does not apply to my tractor. I will now stop *trying* to engage the pto slowly, I will just slow the rpm's like I have been doing and move that lever at any speed I feel like. Whew! Didn't mean to come off as an @$$ or and idiot, was just...
  19. B

    PTO engagement

    First, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just trying to find out if in the manual where it says "To avoid damage to PTO clutch and implement, shift the PTO clutch lever slowly, when engaging the PTO clutch." means absolutely nothing. It doesn't need to be there. Right?
  20. B

    PTO engagement

    OK, so then something is wrong with mine. When I engage the PTO with the mmm attached, there is no way for me to engage it faster or slower. The speed of the lever makes no difference. Once it engages it slows the engine down a bit and blows black smoke for a second. There is no way to...