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  1. J

    Hydraulic pump

    I have a brand new hydraulic pump for a dump truck... when I connect the positive wire and the negative wire to the motor the pump spins without any pressing of the buttons on the remote... is it possible this brand new pump has a bad solenoid allowing the current to flow unrestricted...I have...
  2. J

    L35 hydro fluid in oil pan

    Topped of hydo fluid 2 weeks ago...ran tractor for couple hours since...been having problems with it loss of power and not having all gears...checked hydro fluid and it was down 2 gallons...checked the oil dipstick before starting it up and low and behold it was appears a lot of...
  3. J

    L35 loss of power

    Hi guys, Let a neighbor borrow my L35..he called me to say it would not move..he noticed it creeping up past the midway point on the temperature gauge and shut it down..when I got there I noticed a burnt smell.but could not find the source....the tractor will barely climb over a lump of dirt...
  4. J

    RTV 900 fuel injector installation

    Nope just a stock picture off the net. Ordered the parts today, hopefully have this thing running in no time. Thanks again.
  5. J

    RTV 900 fuel injector installation

    That is exactly the picture I needed. I am missing the top nuts that hold down the overflow. Thanks so much!
  6. J

    RTV 900 fuel injector installation

    I just bought an RTV 900. The last owner had taken off the fuel injectors to do a compression test and now I am trying to reinstall them but having difficulty knowing the proper sequence. Please let me know if this is correct. Place washer on bottom of injector along with metal cupped piece(not...