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  1. D

    Box scraper usage

    Update! Can't believe how long ago I posted here. Project is underway. Had to build a second detached garage since the old attached one was getting filled QUICK. Wish I went 32x32 instead of 24x24 :( The roundup was the best idea. I can actually see what I am dealing with. I sprayed the...
  2. D

    Box scraper usage

    :) The MAIN reason I went away from kubota was I wanted mid thirty hp Tier III machine. The only leftover tier III's in my area were kioti and NH. I'm going to keep lurking in this forum though. You can't stop me! :cool:
  3. D

    Box scraper usage

    Thanks again for all the advice. I did some shopping last fall and dropped a chunk of change on a tractor though sadly not orange as I originally intended. The more I read on the subject, the more I realized I had to go tier III and not IV. I also went a bit bigger than a B series as I...
  4. D

    Box scraper usage

    The thing pulling me away from an L is the fact that L's don't run belly mowers and I want one. Unless a rear PTO powered finish mower does an equally good job and is equally durable.
  5. D

    Box scraper usage

    Ha I prefer quad jet turbines. Thanks all for the input and good ideas. A lot of maybes right now but once the work starts I'll provide updates
  6. D

    Box scraper usage

    Thanks for the input. This is the field. The road runs down the right side. I want to cut ditches on both sides, but a bigger one on the right since all the road drainage runs into there. The field is full of vegetation, and I never saw a box blade used on that. Lots of good ideas so far...
  7. D

    Box scraper usage

    Hi, I've been lurking for a while doing research on the capabilities of CUTs. My brother in law has a nice BX and it got my thinking of getting something for my family's country house. We have 45 acres of woods and 10 acres of cleared fields. A 5 acre section of field below the house is...