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  1. J

    Kubota BX1500 PTO Issue

    Having a problem with the mid pto that drives the mower deck. When first starting the tractor to mow the grass the mid pto engages just fine. I can engage and disengage the pto without issue. However, after the pto has been engaged for the time it takes to mow my yard (roughly and hour) the pto...
  2. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    Dan, thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. Jim
  3. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    One last question. The paperwork that came with the gauge said the correct pressure relief is 1778psi. Should I try for approximately that number, or should I set it at 1750 or 1800psi?
  4. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  5. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    Is that the correct way to do it?
  6. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    Well, I got it sorted. As luck would have it, the male fitting provided with the gauge fit the female connection on the back of my tractor that goes to the backhoe. I let the tractor warm up, ran it around the yard for a while and then checked the pressure. The reading was 1650psi at full...
  7. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    Where did you connect the gauge? Was it at the middle line in your picture? How was the FEL used to run the test? Your question about the fitting prompted me to go look at my setup before I answered and I realized then that my fittings are different than yours. They're male fittings on the...
  8. J

    BX2200 BXpanded pressure tester issue

    I know this is an older thread, but I have a question about where to connect the gauge on my 2003 BX2200. I recently purchased the gauge from BXpanded and received the gauge with a female fitting attached and a separate male fitting. I tried the male fitting in the center line shown in the...
  9. J

    Fitting a Kubota BT602 Backhoe to a BX2200

    No, I bought the sub-frame several years before finding the BT602. I was hoping to find a small Woods backhoe, but could never locate one. The BT602 showed up at a good price, so I bought it with the idea I would make it work somehow.
  10. J

    Fitting a Kubota BT602 Backhoe to a BX2200

    I also got the hoses from the backhoe sorted out. The folks at Messicks were great and got me straightened out. A big thanks to them.
  11. J

    Fitting a Kubota BT602 Backhoe to a BX2200

    I went back and looked at some of the paperwork that came with the sub-frame. As mentioned, I used a Woods 4-point sub-frame mounting kit for a BH6000 backhoe. The kit will fit Kubota's BX1800, BX1830, BX2200, and BX2230 tractors. The Model number of the sub-frame kit is 1008537. Hope that helps.
  12. J

    Fitting a Kubota BT602 Backhoe to a BX2200

    I bought a subframe for a woods backhoe that fit the bx2200. Had to mod the portion of the mount that bolts to the backhoe to work with the BT602
  13. J

    Fitting a Kubota BT602 Backhoe to a BX2200

    I have everything ready to go except identifying the hoses from the BT602. There are 3 hoses. I know one is in, one is return to power beyond (PB) and the last is return to tank. I have a setup where there is out from the tractor, return for power beyond and I'm dumping the return to tank...
  14. J

    Problem Attaching Electric Clutch to front PTO

    I'm trying to figure how to attach my electric clutch driveshaft to the front pto of my B7100HST-D. As you can see in the attached pictures the front pto spline is larger than the driveshaft. Is there an adapter that goes in between? I know the electric clutch was used on a B7100, so it should fit.
  15. J

    Problem with Electric PTO Clutch

    Aquaforce, you da man. Bought a mid 60's vintage ford ac compressor clutch and it is exactly the same. Thank you so much!! Wondering if someone can help me out with another question. Looking at the front pto splined shaft (male), I measured the diameter as 1.16" or 29.5mm, and I counted the...
  16. J

    Problem with Electric PTO Clutch

    Aquaforce, thanks for the information. I'll check into it.
  17. J

    Problem with Electric PTO Clutch

    Actually it's not quite a problem, it's more like a disaster. I recently bought a model b-48a deck for my B7100hst. It has the front mounting electric clutch setup to drive the deck via a belt. The person I bought it from told me that the electric clutch wasn't working. I took the chance that it...
  18. J

    B7100HST Old Tractor, New Owner

    There are six.
  19. J

    B7100HST Old Tractor, New Owner

    I have another question. Is the air filter strickly a dealer item or can you find elsewhere?