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  1. T

    B7100 won’t start weird glow plug indicator

    Thanks I will give that a try. Will let you know.:)
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    B7100 won’t start weird glow plug indicator

    Went out to star the b7100 and it would turn over a black smoke came out. I checked the glow plug indicator to find it not turning red. So I figure it went being I could not see in the hole very well. When the new one came one I pulled the old one to find it still intact. I went head and put the...
  3. T

    B7100 ran dry

    Well I followed the directions on the video and it worked great. Its back up and running. Another problem selves by the forum. Thanks Tom:D
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    B7100 ran dry

    Funny that you say that. When I was looking to try to prime it I removed the fuel line going into the filter to see if fuel was going through and at the end of the line was a piece of wood. It was taking up at least half of the tube.
  5. T

    B7100 ran dry

    Thanks! I did a search on bleeding the injectors and found the OT video on it. Perfect! I will give it a try in the morning.:D
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    B7100 ran dry

    Ok it messed up and ran the fuel tank dry. Now I can not get it started. I filled the tank and when ahead and changed the fuel filter (which the bowl was almost dry). I went ahead and filled the owl up and screwed it back on. Still will not start. Is there a way to prime it or something? :confused:
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    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    Update.....The 2 new cylinders came into. I unpacked one and took it out to the tractor to just look and compare. It seems that it is just about a prefect match. At least by eye. Hoping to install them this weekend. I'll du another update after they are on and tested. Anyways here is a pic of...
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    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    It was a small orang but I replaced the one inside. I replaced every one that I took out. All I can say is they held up great until I started to dig. They both leak worse now then before I worked on them. I ended up ordering new ones. I had one hell of a time finding them. But I was able to get...
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    B219 FEL Bucket Cylinders

    Any word on this? I'm thinking about just buying all new.
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    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    I just wanted to give everyone an update on the cylinder rebuilds. They are both leaking again. Not very much but still leaking.:( But on a better note all the new line connections are working great.
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    Piranha Tooth Bar Question

    Ok here is my 2 cents. I have used it for 3 hours so far. It's on my b7100. It does penetrate the ground nicely. The only issues I have is the strength of my tractor to rip it out. I have a learning curve of how deep to push it in. Over all I am happy with the digging part of it. I'll post when...
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    Piranha Tooth Bar Question

    I put mine on today and hoping to try it out tomorrow.
  13. T

    B7100 transmission dip stick?

    I have a question. I was giving the once over and was looking for the transmission dip stick. It looks like most of it is broke off but just enough to get some pliers on it. The question it does it pull straight out or is it a twist out? I mean it may pull out easier if I twist it out but is...
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    Part number help for b7100

    Yep that's what I was looking for. Thanks all
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    Part number help for b7100

    I was replacing my fan belt on the 7100 and was looking at my front shaft, the one with the double chains. It is really pitted bad and I was looking to just replace it now that everything is apart. When I looked up the number on the PDF the image was to dark to make it out. Can anyone help me...
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    New attachment

    I picked up a new brush hog today from TS. Was testing it out today and it took out a big bush with little problem. I now have big plans for her. And I know brushhog is a brand and it's not that brand.
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    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    Last pic. Again sorry for all the posts.
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    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    Next picture. Still working posting me than one pic in a post.
  19. T

    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    Sorry for not getting back to the cyl rebuild. I broke one of the steel lines on the loader and have been rebuilding the line. I still plan on videoing the last cyl rebuild in the next few weeks and will post it. For now here is some pictures of the line rebuild.
  20. T

    B219 loader cylinder rebuild

    Yes that's the one. And no the new one does not just slide in. I just pushed it in to where it just stead in place. Which was just bearly in. I then turn the whole head over placing it on a flat surface. Then head it with a hammer a few times and it went right in to place. Just start out slow to...