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  1. P

    B2650: Mounting hardware 60" vs 72"

    I'll probably just talk to a dealer to get this answer, but thought I'd see if I could get some thoughts here first. I have a B2650 with a 60" mid-mount mower. Anyone know if I wanted to run a 72" mid-mount mower, would my current mower mounts work or do they use a different setup?
  2. P

    B2650 Oil change interval

    Hello, Wondering if this has come up before and if there's an established resolution. I have a 2019 B2650. The owner's manual says the OCI is every 200 hours, while the workshop manual says every 100 hours. Do we know what's correct?
  3. P

    Damaged SSQA plate, good lesson learned

    Anyone see this video? It's old so maybe this was done before. This guy bought an LX2610 and with two hours on the meter damaged his SSQA plate. He had forks on the loader; the locking pins were in the down position but the forks were out in front of the pins, so he lost the forks. When he tried...
  4. P

    SSQA FEL-mounted snow blades

    What's the consensus on these? I've always preferred a back blade for clearing snow where I'm at honestly. I know driving through the snow you're about to push off to the side isn't always ideal, but I do find the back blade very versatile since I can pull, push, swing it all the way around, and...
  5. P

    B2650 owners, a question

    I know this is a long shot, but anyone recognize what this washer could be off of? One side is lined with rubber. Found it on the floor after backing the B2650 out of a building. I don't know for sure if it's from the B2650, but it seems likely.
  6. P

    French drain project with the new B2650

    Figured I'd share some pics of a project from late last week. Put in a french drain around a pole building on some land I bought a few years back. I tend to get a good bit of groundwater just uphill of this building. That and the area around the man door and to the side of the garage door, when...
  7. P

    Kubota Third Function Kit questions

    I have a new B2650 and had the dealer install a Kubota third function kit for a grapple. I have an EA Wicked55 on the way, due to arrive for pickup at a nearby freight hub tomorrow (almost three weeks earlier than I expected). EA told me they used 1/2" ag couplers on the grapple, one male, one...
  8. P

    B2650, what parts should I have received on delivery?

    Received my B2650 with FEL, forks, backhoe, and 60" MMM a couple weeks ago. I had asked to get the original seat hardware that comes with the tractor, that they replace when they install a backhoe, but the delivery guy didn't have it. I told them I'd be up to get it when I get a chance and...
  9. P

    New B2650 arrived, thanks all (pics)

    I've been posting question after question for months now. Buying phase is done, my B2650 arrived Friday. Thanks to all who helped over the summer and probably spring too. Coming from the BX23, the loader and backhoe are much nicer, and as a mower I think I'm going to miss the BX, as I...
  10. P

    Third function valve questions

    I've ordered my B2650, the build is in progress. The only item they said they were going to have order in is the third function valve. Depending on how long it takes, I may get the tractor without it and then take it back up sometime later to have it installed. I wanted an EA Wicked 55...
  11. P

    Ordering my B2650 tomorrow or Tuesday, last minute advice?

    Finally sold my BX23. Thinking about ordering its replacement tomorrow or early next week. The plan is: - B2650 HST ROPS - FEL with SSQA, 60" bucket, LP forks - Third function for future grapple - 60" mid-mount mower - Backhoe with 16"bucket - R4 tires Debated between R4 and R1...
  12. P

    WTS: Kubota BX23 TLB with 54" mower (Pittsburgh area)

    WTS: Kubota BX23 TLB with 54" mower. About 770 hours. Still being used and runs great. Little dirty at the time of the pics but cleans up well. Aftermarket skid plates with it. Rear plate is installed, the front plate comes with it but I don't have it installed right now (can't have it on with...
  13. P

    Carport for temporary tractor storage

    Looking at upgrading to a B2650 TLB with mower. Unfortunately I don't have a great spot to store it right now. I expect to have a spot in a garage for it hopefully sometime next year, but I have some projects I could use it for right now. Thinking about getting a carport for now, adding some...
  14. P

    B2650/B77 Dimensions Questions

    I have a few requests for dimensions. One is easy and I think I already found it in old posts. That is, what's the length of a B2650 with FEL and 60" bucket resting on the ground to the back of the 3ph? Two is also fairly easy, B2650 with FEL/60" bucket on the ground and B77 backhoe attached...
  15. P

    Private sale vs trade-in of used tractor

    Been looking at upgrading from my BX23 to a B-series for a while now. I bought my BX23 used on Craigslist and always figured I'd sell it the same way. Trading it in is certainly easier though, so I asked the dealer I was primarily speaking to about it. The salesman said he could give me a...
  16. P

    B2601 vs B2650

    Been looking at upgrading my BX23 for a while now. Had originally planned on a B2601, then decided to go with a B2650. Still pretty certain I should go with the B2650, but debating it a little. Whatever tractor I get, I will want a FEL with SSQA, forks, backhoe, and 60" MMM. Also somewhat...
  17. P

    Forks for B2650

    Looking at ordering a B2650 and will be wanting a set of forks. I need to decide if I should order a set of Land Pride forks with the tractor to roll it into the financing or do any of the aftermarket alternatives offer enough of an advantage that I'm better off going that route? Thanks
  18. P

    B2650, what's the back end made up?

    Can anyone tell me what the rear of the B2650 is made of? I was under the impression it was cast aluminum, then I was told by a salesman it was cast iron, think I read that somewhere as well, and now I've seen somewhere again that it's cast aluminum.
  19. P

    Grapples: LP SGC0660 vs EA Wicked 55

    Hoping to order a B2650 soon and while I previously didn't think it was worth it to me, I've decided a grapple would be worthwhile to have. I highly doubt I'll ever be using it as a root rake. I mainly just want it for grabbing and moving brush and limbs, and assist with firewood prep. I'll...
  20. P

    B2650 MMM with spacers

    So the Kubota website won't let you build a B2650 with spacers if you include a MMM (60" or 72"), but I've seen a couple people in old threads say despite that, they've added spacers with no issues. Can anyone provide clarity on this? Will the MMM of either size really work with rear spacers...