Search results

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    Dual acting sickle bar mower vertical trimming

    bsb-sickle-bar-mowers Looking at the Befco 3 point sickle mower.
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    Dual acting sickle bar mower vertical trimming

    I've seen those and I think it would work good for trail trimming branches. I'm looking to cut road ditch grass more so (about 90%) and trimming about (10%)
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    Dirt Dog core aerator.

    My 84" areator.
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    Dual acting sickle bar mower vertical trimming

    Looking at some of the dual acting sickle bar mowers. Per the specs they have the ability to work vertically. Wondering if anyone has one that can report how they work. My primary use is to mow road ditches but on occasion would like to trim overhanging small/young branches drooping over the...
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    Whats the go to grapple now that EA is out of business?

    Virnig works very well racking tree tops.
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    Whats the go to grapple now that EA is out of business?

    Very happy with my Virnig grapple.
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    L3901 offset mower

    I'm looking to mow road ditches and dykes on our wild rice farm. Maybe some small saplings/brush involved (minimal) Seeing what options are available for a 3 point mounted disc mower, sickle mower or flail mower. Ideally sales in midwest.
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    2021 L3901 engine oil change

    Excluding the initial 50 hour service the manual for my L3901 says to change engine oil and filter every 400 hours. This is also documented on Kubota service videos. Looking on Kubota web site maintenance schedule is says every 200 hours. This schedule is generic and does not indicate what...
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    Im sure its simple

    Looks to me you have to lower the top J hook on your QH one hole. It should hook the lower larger pin of the implement. The top third point doesn't have to do the lifting. There can be a small gap between the J hook and the implement pin. The two lower points do the lifting and should fall in...
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    advise on shed roof trusses diy

    This the 12 x 20 shed we built
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    King Kutter Professional tiller

    Looking at a 6’ for my L3901. Anyone running one of these? Care to share your good/bad thoughts?
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    Virnig V30 60” Grapple Review

    Virnig doesn’t sell direct. You have to use their dealer locator. I paid $2000 for my 60” earlier this year.
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    Virnig V30 60” Grapple Review

    What model grapple did you get?
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    Spiked aerator

    Aerating the airport
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    Grading scraper for L3901

    Thinking about getting a 72” Land Pride grading scraper. Anyone running a GS2572? Often with some of these implements you need the proper weight for them to work correctly. Can the 3901 handle the 25 series or should I stick with the 15 series
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    Virnig V30 60” Grapple Review

    Nice write up. I have the same grapple and have been very pleased with it.
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    Securing extra hydraulic hose

    The grapple I got comes with extra hydraulic hose for full tilt. What are you guys doing to secure it so it doesn’t get pinched or torn from the machine? Using a bungee cord for now.
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    With the hoses disconnected from the tractor try and lift the rake. It should not move.
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    You have air in the system. The air bubble gets moved around when on the skid steer due to the higher pressure higher flow system.
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    Virnig Grapple

    I have a 60" on my L3901. Snow is kind of deep so haven't been able to use it yet. We are still in snowmobile/ice fishing mode. Come this spring it'll get some use. I think it's gonna be good. Seems well built with gussets in the right places