Search results

  1. billrigsby

    An Interesting Approach

    Homemade attachments
  2. billrigsby

    Just a little toy

    Nothing exciting but I got 14 plus cords of wood delivered in log form, and have to move them around to be able to cut and split. Put a spreader bar across the lip of the bucket so things don't get bent out of shape.
  3. billrigsby

    Hydraulic Pump Replacing

    Apparently, burned up the hydraulic pump! Been moving snow all morning after the 36" dump we got. Lost all hydraulics and the pump is hot and smoking. This is one area of the tractor I am not so familiar with, as the hydraulics have been trouble free since 2015 when I purchased the tractor...
  4. billrigsby

    WTB Ads - BEWARE

    If you post a WTB add and someone responds with a message like this, beware. Red flags are new profile, offering to connect you with a friend who has the specific item you are looking for, email address is (or similar). Thought this was worth sharing. I posted on a lawn...
  5. billrigsby

    Kubota Service Parts Listing

    A very extensive list of Kubota part numbers for Kubota Tractors, includes; Literature, Filters, Gasket Kits, Piston & Ring Kits, Metal Bearing Kits, Engine Valve Train Kits, Water Pump Repair Kits, Fan Belts, Fuel Injection & Plugs, Carburetors & Spark Plugs, Pre Combustion Chambers, Fuel &...
  6. billrigsby

    Missing Post?

    What happened to the L1802DT hydraulic post from 08/15/2023? Thought it was my phone, not on the desktop either? EDIT, came back this AM?
  7. billrigsby

    AH the Payments

  8. billrigsby

    Need a Good Photo of a Label

    Does anyone with a L275 or other model? that has the draft system have a good label that I could get some clean photos of? Like this..... Thanks, Bill
  9. billrigsby

    Need L245DT Label Part Number

    I am looking for the part number for this (circled) label. I have searched the web and the parts book, but can not find it! It is used on the L245DT and I am sure several others. Thanks
  10. billrigsby

    OK has Potential

  11. billrigsby

    MY L1500DT is in a Kubota Ad!!

    Back in March I received an email from Peter Easterlund at, I had sent him photos of my L1500DT after the restoration. He was contacted for a photo of an old L1500 tractor for a Kubota ad. He forwarded me the contact information and I contacted Martin Williams Advertising in...
  12. billrigsby

    L185/185DT Owners - Need Dimensions

    Hi all, I need some dimensions for the hood decals for both of the 185 models, hope someone can help with this..........................
  13. billrigsby

    David Bradley Pull Type Adjustable Blade

    Wonder if anyone knows anything about the David Bradley pull type adjustable blade? One locally for sale, $500, can see it Friday when the owner is back in town. His description; Great old piece of equipment. I have used this for light road maintenance. I was told this originally came...
  14. billrigsby

    Kubota to construct new $140 million facility in Gainesville

    Access WDUN Article
  15. billrigsby

    Great Bend 890 Front End Loader

    Wonder if anyone has a Great Bend 890 front loader with original good condition decals? I have a guy that is asking me to re-create them (like I did for my M10) but..... .....having a hard time finding a good representation of two of the warning decals and the color of the 'slashes'...
  16. billrigsby

    4WD Tractor History

    Arkansas Farmer Stands at Heart of Agriculture’s 4WD Tractor History AG WEB
  17. billrigsby

    Alberta farmer is a collector of tractors and preserver of history

    Bob Taylor’s Tractor Haven Article
  18. billrigsby

    KUBOTA Reproduction Hood Decals

    We have a selection of KUBOTA Reproduction Hood Decals available See the list below and photo for details We welcome requests for others we do not have, all of these were created just in that manner We only need good measurements and good clear photos, either from originals or from the web...
  19. billrigsby

    May Have a New Project

    Ran across a L185DT, owner has changed fluids, tried to start, thinks about 4" of the ring gear is stripped. Turns over, starts to smoke, like it wants to start, but then hits the bad spot and looses momentum. Hood is really rough, rear fenders and instrument panel show some hope. Other that...
  20. billrigsby

    New Acquirement

    Picked up a Sitrex FS250 Fertilizer, Seed Spreader today, $120.00 could not pass it up. Needs some paint, new decals and has a small ding in about 8" of the hopper. Will be great for over-seeding the land and salt/sand distribution in the winter.