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  1. B

    B6100E B48 Mower Deck Restore

    Wanted to Restore my B48 Mower Deck, I bought it used about 12 years ago and did tear down and repaint but the paint on the deck just didn't last like it should, so I decided to tear it down again and sand blast everything right this time, I used Hammerite paint (GOLD) on the entire deck and top...
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    Mower deck cleaning

    Well it's getting that time of the year to put the mower decks away,other than cleaning the underside do you do something else? I tried mower deck graphite spray, does not work, I tried painting, also does not last. What about POR 15, anyone try this? or Hammerite paint? it's pretty tough stuff...
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    B7100 hst

    Well fellow OTT members what do you think of my $2500.00 kubota? Yep that's right, bought it off of eBay in July, put 2 new front tires on it and some good old TLC. 1864 Hours on it, now to find a mower deck for the old girl, an RC6071B, if you got one let me know...
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    Kubota B7100 HST

    Well just picked up another Orange Power yesterday, a 1992 B7100 HST 4WD with 1864 hours on a working meter. Got it off eBay for $2524.99, yes that's right, just when we all thought eBay was replaced by Craigslist you can still get a deal. Needs some TLC but runs fine and moves around great...
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    B-219 rebuild

    Kubota B7100 HST B-219 loader rebuild It was 6 months to the day that I bought this loader from fellow OTT member Tillithunder, all before pictures are from him and I need to give credit to him. It was a cold New Years Eve day that I went out and got this, now after I'm done with it sure does...
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    I see a B6000 on Ebay for $599 with factory front weights and the pto reverser, just to let you guys know. Big Kahuna
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    FEL pump

    Has anybody changed the way the older FEL's had their own pump mounted on the front of the tractor, does the tractors own pump have enough of power to run these type of loaders?
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    B-219 Loader B7100 HST

    I just picked up a B-219 loader and one of the spool valves is not working right, looks like a broken spring, now it's made by Cessna and they are no longer(bought out by Eaton)where do you go for parts? is a 30922 spool valve,also have the gear pump on the front of the tractor and would like to...