Search results

  1. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

    Oriental diesel engines have German origins. I am searching for a thread I participated in years back and so far have not found it .... but another person linked to this .... you will find very interesting!
  2. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

  3. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

    Hmmmm ... Kubota uses letters to designate a series of tractors... B series L series and M series and numbers somewhat correspond to HP. Kubota uses letters and numbers to designate specific engines and the letter specifies the number of cylinders. Hmmm was wondering if there are instances...
  4. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

    When I get time I will read the links supplied by the other replyers.... so is it safe to conclude that 4 cyinderl engines have a different designation ?
  5. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

    Well ok that makes sense... Has nothing to do with HP. Early L series smaller hp tractors had Z series and smaller B series had L series. Then there are engines on all kinds of equipment .... light plants pumps etc.
  6. K

    Difference between Z and D series engines ?

    :confused: Inquiring minds would like to know !!!!
  7. K

    Engine question

    Oh Oh Oh ! I think I got it now !!! I know why Kubota uses sleeveless engine blocks !!!!! Your tractor runs cooler in the summer if the engine is sleeveless !!! .... I know that because I am cooler in the summer when I wear sleeveless !!! And if an engine runs cooler then there will be less...
  8. K

    Engine question

    So was wondering if the wizz bang mechanic either : A. Offered to rebuild that "expensive to rebuild" sleeveless engine for you... or... B. Offered to buy that too "expensive to rebuild" tractor from you. ........Obviously that "mechanic" is dumber than a dipstick or else he thinks...
  9. K

    Longevity of Kubota hour meters.

    Probably a lot if it is a die hard !!!! :D:D:D
  10. K

    Longevity of Kubota hour meters.

    How long can you expect them to last ? I am more concerned with older models. I have a bit of John Deere made by Yanmar experience. I have a JD 655 and a parts tractor. Made between 1986 and 1990. The meter on the running tractor blew up this year with 890 hours and the parts tractor has just...
  11. K

    B8200 Power Steering

    Well the tractor was bought with cracked head and an engine rebuild is in order starting Jan 1 and I figure on allowing a month since I need to go slow because I do not know what I am doing. Power steering will follow engine rebuild and then refurbishment which will include body work and paint...
  12. K

    B8200 Power Steering

    I am planing to add power steering to my L1801DT. Have been looking around for solutions. I prefer an assist and found this diy semi kit made for Yanmar. Double click on the thumbnails and they will expand I like this set up .... it is simpler to...
  13. K

    Wiring, a treat to rodents

    I have a wood working / cabinetry shop (made my living there for some years). No business there now .... but anyway went in there a few years back in the winter and discovered mice droppings.... some were bright red and some were bright blue. Really looked crazy !!! :confused: Took me awhile to...
  14. K

    My new gray Kabota L1801DT

    Its not really a misspelling .... it is a typo ...But the spell check feature indicates that Kubota is misspelled Imagine that !!!!! A kubota forum and the spell check feature indicates K U B O T A..... is a misspelled word !!!! BTW I know my username annoys some here.... but please don't ask...
  15. K

    Loader Tractor correct tire orientation !

    Well actually depends on your unique situation.... Consider... If you are excavating with your tractor and you are peeling off sod for instance you need a lot of traction going forward and not so much going backwards so..... having the tires put on the "right way" is going to be best in that...
  16. K

    Loader Tractor correct tire orientation !

    Congratulations you win a cigar !!!!! and actually I did not know that !!!! But I bought this tractor with like new tires on the front and wondered if there is a method to this supposed madness.... So after many hours of contemplation I come up with this line of reasoning: When going forward...
  17. K

    Loader Tractor correct tire orientation !

    :confused:Ok sum ting is wong here or at least some here are convinced sum ting is wong here. So what is wong ?
  18. K

    Repair ? or do a total rebuild ?

    Ok I asked a question about gray oil ! Gray oil is the result of water mixing with oil in a running engine. My question is will the gray oil eventually separate back into clear water and black oil ? Or is there some permanent homogenization or emulsification going on here ? Is there a...
  19. K

    Repair ? or do a total rebuild ?

    Oh now you are mixing the contents of two different threads .... is that legal to do here :D Really you need to get to know West Virginians like I know them... Blondes tell Blonde jokes and laugh at them West Virginians do the same :D:D:D As for those backwards front treads .... I have a...
  20. K

    My new gray Kabota L1801DT

    That is a very good theory !!! But also I have a theory on the miss spelling ..... go back and look at the ad ... then look at the google map location .... West Virginia (enough said ) :D