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  1. P

    b2150 hyd. fluid strainer

    just looking for some opinions, I slit open the hydro trans. strainer on 1993 b2150, trans is having severe hyd. issues. I have a tread started on replacing the hydro unit, just thought I would look into the filtration one last time. it has been about a year since I cleaned this one, maybe about...
  2. P

    b2150 hydrostatic replacement

    Any recommendations on a shop manual, are the downlaoded versions any good, Its like 10.00 for a down load and 80 to 180 for a regular shop manual, so just looking for one that's going to give me the infro I need, for splitting tractor and maybe even going inside the hydro.
  3. P

    b2150 hydrostatic replacement

    thanks for the link
  4. P

    b2150 hydrostatic replacement

    So this is my first post here, lot of good infro on this site, so I hope its productive, but anyway I have come to the conclusion that my hydro trans in in need of repair, slow and week ground speed, and whining under load, the rest of the attachments work well, FEL, Back hoe and power steering...