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  1. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    I’ve always threatened to glass bed the action and float the barrel, for the last thirty years. I will confess, I like to shoot. But then again I don’t play golf.
  2. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    If I ever hunt out west again I will use my trusty Husqvarna Nitro 30.06, with its original Weaver K4 scope. Tried and true. The times they are a changing.
  3. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    Well, that is the reality hundreds of thousands of people were in during the summer of 2020. Riots, looting, communities burning and their government not responding. It is no longer a ”what if“ conspiracy theory. It was mayhem and law enforcement, while willing and able to quell the situation...
  4. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    You will be pleased to know they make panic hardware for security doors. Meeting the egress requirements of the Life Safety Code is easy. Getting teachers not to block the doors open is the hard part…
  5. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    Guns are not the problem, our culture is. The worst school massacre in US history didn’t use a gun. Bath School Disaster- 1927
  6. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    I hunted the east side of the sierras and northern Nevada for thirty years with a 30.06 bolt gun. Here in Michigan we have a shotgun/straight wall cartridge zone. The 12 ga slugs pound my old shoulder pretty good. I got to shoot my neighbors AR in .450 and was sold on it. It’s a lot like...
  7. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    The AR15 is the number one sporting rifle in America. Mostly because it is lightweight, versatile and easy to shoot. I have a 1-8 twist barrel in one because it helps stabilize the heavier bullets at 200+ yards. My box stock Colt AR has a 1-7 twist. Both are pretty accurate with just about any...
  8. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    Sorry, after the 2020 “Summer of Love” riots and looting where government abandoned citizens and let miscreants burn down communities, nobody is surrendering their 2nd Amendment rights or AR rifles. Before that thousands have defended home and hearth with such weapons during natural disasters...
  9. Clevus

    Guns...Times have changed...

    For those who say it’s a fools errand to go up against an AR with a handgun, if I’m going to get shot at anyway, I would give it a try. here is a story in the news today As far as arming teachers, let...
  10. Clevus


    Israel utilizes suppressed Ruger 1022 rifles to deal with rioters. After a couple of the people get quietly kneecapped, the crowd disperses.
  11. Clevus

    Ear Candy...

  12. Clevus

    Ear Candy...

    If you’re into Led Zeppelin, this is worth a watch. I saw Zepperella in Tahoe years ago and turned into an instant fan.
  13. Clevus

    Ear Candy...

  14. Clevus

    Ear Candy...

  15. Clevus

    B7500 Operating Temperature

    handheld infrared laser dot. It’s pretty accurate. Checked upper hose and side of block where the temp sensor is located.
  16. Clevus

    B7500 Operating Temperature

    So this being my first Kubota I am operating within my learning curve. I bought this last year, used the mower deck frequently, pulled snow all winter. From day one I noticed the temperature gauge was not working. All winter I’m not really thinking much about as everything else works as it...
  17. Clevus


    By the way, that was a joke. You were suppose to laugh. Rough crowd…
  18. Clevus


  19. Clevus


    So much badassery!
  20. Clevus


    Regular PM’s and good tire go a long way…