Search results

  1. FTG-05

    L3301 concrete rear tire weights

    When I made my concrete, lead and steel wheel weights, I wish I had done it this way; it would have made it far easier to install/deinstall them. :( Pics. I used 6 5/8"x 8" Gr8 bolts, prewelded them to fit, the used the bottom third of a 30 gallon plastic barrel as the form: I used my...
  2. FTG-05

    Rear Tire Ballasts

    I live not much further than you, just over the AL/TN border. For my L4330 rear tires, I used 5 gallons of RV antifreeze, good to -50 degrees F, the rest water, for a total of 47 gallons each tire. Rimguard has a tire chart that will show you the water capacity of most tractor tires. If it...
  3. FTG-05

    Laziest man south of the Mackinac bridge strikes again....Quick log splitter mod.

    Far easier, but far more expensive:
  4. FTG-05

    Anyone made/installed aftermarket Option headlights in RTV-XG850?

    The XG850 comes with two headlights with an option to add another light next to the OEM headlights. Without the 2nd headlight option, there is just a reflector plate sitting in the headlight space. See pic below. In this pic, you can see the OEM headlights on the outside of the light...
  5. FTG-05

    Hay elevator into firewood elevator...

    Sorry, I'm only interested in the dog, the truck and the dog. Got nothing else. :(
  6. FTG-05

    Need Bridge (deck) input

    IRC, he said about $20K for both flatracks, delivery and placement. I don't know if he had them placed on concrete or just bare ground. His SIL across the street has a bridge made from two (or four) tractor trailers. According to GE, it's about 90 feet long, so I *assume* it's actually four...
  7. FTG-05

    Need Bridge (deck) input

    Container flat racks are another option. A neighbor close to me has one across his creek. I *think* the weight capacity is in the 140K lb range!!! Like this: My neighbor's bridge:
  8. FTG-05

    flat face connectors

    Worth every penny: QC-Mate by XBoom Coupler (3/8" & 1/2" Duo-Jaw Set, 12” QC-Mate Clamp) : Automotive
  9. FTG-05

    Synthetic Oil

    The worst synthetic is better than the best conventional. I first used syn oil back in the mid-70's for my Honda 350 motorcycle. Amsoil was all the rage back then.
  10. FTG-05

    Laziest SOB south of the Mackinac Bridge.....LOL

    I gave you your first Thumbs Up!
  11. FTG-05

    A little grease woudl have helped.

    Yea same here. Glad I don't have to do that crap anymore since I got the Quick Hitch. ;)
  12. FTG-05

    Grapple jaws not holding

    I've never had that trouble with my Skid Steer Attachments 48" grapple and Construction Attachments electric valve. I move some heavy logs with my tractor: This is the heaviest log I've moved with my tractor. It was the trunk of a Shagbark Hickory that came down in a microburst and missed...
  13. FTG-05

    Best rear ballast solution for Grand L4240

    I live in TN as well and on top of a hill. Here is what I did: Tire ballast. The nearest Rimguard dealer to me is about 4-5 hours away in Lexington KY; too far. Hence, I filled my rear tires with water and 5-6 gallons of RV antifreeze. - Wheel weights. I wanted WW but the price of +$1/lb...
  14. FTG-05

    Kubota RTV-XG850 throttle issue

    I have mine in at the dealer for a separate issue and one of the things I mentioned was the twitchy pedal issue. I had already installed the $8 barn door hinge mod; but it's still waaaaay too sensitive, especially when in reverse. It will be interesting to see what they do about it.
  15. FTG-05

    Not New, but can't reset password

    Got it and i'm in! Kill the unnecessary FTG-06b username. Thanks!
  16. FTG-05

    Recovered B8200 - Found abandoned

    Let me guess: You live near Burgettstown, PA? Near a creek? Creek prolly has diesel in it, right? Amirite or amirite? :ROFLMAO:
  17. FTG-05

    What's cookin' boys?

    Prime Rib is on sale at Publix right now at $5.79/lb. My wife bought this 8 lb PR last week and I made it earlier this week. As taken out of the oven at115 degrees: 1st slice: 2nd slice: I ate both of them that first night. :) :) I'll eat the last piece tonight; then the bones tomorrow.
  18. FTG-05

    Don't pinch your foot taking off a QA attachment !!

    This is what I do. It only takes one toe hit to learn the lesson the hard way. :(
  19. FTG-05

    Tractors cranks but won’t start

    I had the same problem with L4330, crank all day long, no pops. It started out being intermittent, then failed hard. Traced it to the OPC Timer. $105 plus shipping from Messick's; no aftermarket available. Screw that. I bypassed it; never a problem since.
  20. FTG-05

    Where is the fuel filter located on a 2019 RTV-X900?

    I use Messick's on line parts diagrams to help me locate things on my L4330, RTV-900 and RTV-XG850.