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  1. B

    Anyone ever mount a swivel or reversable light?

    I found that seat level lights work well for my reverse lighting. Since my ROPS has holes in it from the factory I mounted the lights where you see them here. I bought two sets of these lights on Amazon. One set is a flood pattern, the other set is a spot pattern. I mounted one of each type on...
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    BX2370 wheel spacers

    If you order these there is no lip to worry about. Same company too. Amazon ECCPP 2" Wheel Spacers
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    Feasible Adding FEL To A BX2380 ?

    I guess I should have been more specific in my original message. I meant to ask about adding a Kubota FEL to my BX2380, not building one from scratch. I am open to adding an aftermarket unit but I am guessing that will be just the bucket, not the quick connect, controls, etc. I was hoping...
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    Home Made BX2380 Front Weight Bracket

    Thanks !! That's weird - I inserted 4 pictures in the post body and they show up for me?? EDIT - I uploaded them again and attached them to the post.
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    ROPS light switch

    Buy a proper, waterproof switch. This unit has leads - you can connect your wiring to it, solder it and heat shrink it. That will provide a lifetime, worry-free connection. Waterproof Switch
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    Home Made BX2380 Front Weight Bracket

    Hi everyone. I am a new member here and I am enjoying reading various posts so far. I use my 2380 mostly for mowing my property (2 acres or so of grass, 1 acre of woods). The side and rear is pretty steep so I started looking into adding weights to the front. The Kubota weight bracket the...
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    Feasible Adding FEL To A BX2380 ?

    I find myself wishing I had bought a unit with the FEL. I have searched without success for people who have added it to their BX tractor. Does anyone remember a link or reference to how feasible doing this is? I am very mechanically capable, I own a press, MIG welder, plasma cutter, lots of...
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    Bloody wind !!

    Lots of trees down here in east TN. Local news reported 100 MPH gusts up in the highest elevations. Crazy...
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    Operating RPM for Belly Mower

    I run mine at 3200 RPM and it delivers a nice clean cut.
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    New Guy

    And new members can't post pictures until they have 5 posts for some reason ?
  11. B

    New Member

    Hi everyone. BX2380 owner here. Looking forward to reading and learning. Thanks for having me.