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  1. D

    B2150 spun drive shaft splines

    Yeah, I was thinking about that this evening. I wonder how hard of metal the pinion is? I will need to drill the hole with my handheld drill so that I do not have to remove the pinion. hmmm.... I will be attempting to fix it on Saturday.
  2. D

    B2150 spun drive shaft splines

    Hmm... I will have to take a look to see if it really "needs" to be a slip. Maybe I can get out of THIS situation for free basically. And then deal with it in the future when something else goes wrong.... lol
  3. D

    B2150 spun drive shaft splines

    Ok, is a spring pin the same as a roll pin? That is what I call the pin going through the shaft that I see. Just want to make sure there is not a different kind of pin I am not seeing. Damn, on the match set. That was what I figured, I knew that was how it is in vehicles.
  4. D

    B2150 spun drive shaft splines

    Here are a couple pictures of the axle in question. Thanks lsmurphy for the link, I saw that last night while researching. I wonder if I can find just the pinion somewhere.... Any suggestions on taking the drive line out and getting the front yoke off the pinion splines in order to determine if...
  5. D

    B2150 spun drive shaft splines

    I have a B2150 HST that I have achieved spinning the splines on the front drive shaft. The splines that I am talking about are the ones coming out of the front axle that the front yoke slides onto and then the drive shaft connects to via the U-Joint. The problem I have is how t dissemble this...