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  1. S

    Making wood pellets

    TJ, is this decision a result of your conversation with your friend with the wild rice processing plant? I'd dearly love to hear what you learned from talking to him (her?)!
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    Picked up this bad boy today

    That is great! I think I can afford the gas, so plan on coming over to Sugar Hill and splitting the two Oaks and the maple I had cut down, and I I'll fill your spliter with non-alcholic gas! :p
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    Baffled by B7500

    Well, don't pull the head! Check all the cheaper; easier; and more obvious areas first. There are some good threads here on starting issues; I'd suggest reading one or more of those, first. Disconnect the battery, then check the voltage of it (needs to be 12.5v or more). Be a good idea to get...
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    Getting harder to start

    What happens when it starts? Black smoke or white? How does it run after it starts? Does it sputter and limp, or can you rev it right up? Does it run well enough to work? I don't know anything about fuel problems although I've read a whole lotta threads about them. But it seems backward that...
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    Daily Chuckle

    DT, yer maw iz a wunnerful mom, ah'm hopin yew brung her sum flours on Mudders Day!
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    B2400 starts runs for 3-5 seconds and dies

    All good advice, a great step-by-step, and a wonderfully clever tip! Now: how to put gentle pressure in tank? (Especially single-handed?) Air hose stuck through shop towel stuffed in fill opening? Special cap with air nozzle soldered in? C'mon, out with the rest of it! ;)
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    Seeking B206 FEL info

    :confused: Looks like you found one or two already, what's the story on those? The picture of the loader is very similar to a B219, and I was easily able to find manuals for them.
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    Trenching questions

    My, my, what a nice, straight line. That's truly awesome! If you are, I can't imagine how you'd ever see the result. Your hydraulics would surely stall before anything broke. Seals have a finite life, but you wouldn't leave the machine in the barn and dig a ditch by hand to preserve the seals...
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    Homebrew Biodiesel Motorcycle

    Nope, I'd have to have a stock T800 (wouldn't have enough bacon grease left over to make it to the nearest butcher!) How many were produced, and how many do you think are on the road?
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    Looking for a Kubota 4 lug B5200 front rim The B6100 had the same wheel but I think in its last years, had a 5-lug hub. The B7100s were a different size. Have you tried used parts dealers and the salvage yards?
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    Just bought a B6100 Wheel spacers good or bad?

    Wow, yours are farther out than mine! <jealous rage>
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    Homebrew Biodiesel Motorcycle

    Homebrew Biodiesel Motorcycle Sets Land Speed Record – At 56 MPH By Keith Barry Gear Date of Publication: 09.27.11 Time of Publication: 8:30 am
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    Dune buggy rebuild

    Actors! They can never follow directions, always trying to ad-lib and ruining the take! sheesh! Somebody call Casting and get another face out here! :eek:
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    Plow advice, compact B7100

    All great advice, Fisheye. Sounds like you've started right, in low range, low gears. Also it sounds like your throttle is about where I'd set it, and use the pedal if it started to bog a bit. So howcome it ain't workin right? Do what comfun1 suggested and I expect you'll find that your 3PH...
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    WTS: 1994 Kubota B7100 w/b219 loader

    Here are pics of Tmar04's B7100. Please excuse the drool on them! :eek: Very, very nice tractor.
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    Plow advice, compact B7100

    Well, fishy (oops! Sorry! Fisheye), the range selector changes your transmission between two gears -- one for high ground speed, and the other for very low ground speed. Yours is probably in the high-speed location. To change it into low range, lift it up (think, "Whoa, Nellie!"); to change it...
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    Log lifter,drager skiderwhat ever you call it

    skeets, don't you have a 3PH? I've just slid a chain under one end of a log (usually the fat end, but doesn't really matter), lift the end up as high as the 3PH will go, and haul 'em out. Sometimes it takes several tries to get it choked up enough to lift clear of the ground, but I've pulled...
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    L2850 New Clutch not fully disengaging ?

    hmm... we may have been given all the information we need, and much more than we can comfortably digest! :D:D:D
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    D950 powered service rig

    Why design it to require a right-angle drive? Since it's your own design, it seems you could set it up to straight-drive the compressor (on the other side, right?) and belt-drive to the genset, beside the engine. (Or vice-versa, if I got it backwards.) Not saying right-angle differentials...
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    Just bought a B6100 Wheel spacers good or bad?

    Post a close-up pic of each of your rear axles. You really shouldn't need spacers -- your axles have four holes through they about 1" apart, allowing you to move the wheels in or out to suit various conditions. Mine (B6100D w/FEL) was pretty scary when I first began using it, but after learning...