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  1. S

    kubota kc70

    hi . i have just had a track blow out on my track dumper , i am trying to retract the rear idler but no luck, it seams to be siezed , i have wound the adjustment nut all the way in/out it dosent seam to make any difference . i would love to know more about the instal technique for new tracks...
  2. S

    l39 doesn't move or pump

    so i posted this a few weeks ago . after having cracked the tractor in half . thinking it was a clutch issue (which it was not ) . i removed the pump and housing and found that the pump housing was cracked and no drive was getting to the pump at all hopefully it will be a simple replacement...
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    l39 dosent move or pump

    that is the conclusion . i had come to . i am just starting to dust of the wrenches does any body knoe the right first steps to split the tractor thanks steve
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    l39 thumb

    hi there . i would like to attach a thumb to my l39 . any idea what length i should buy . i have my sites on . one that is 28inch long from pivot to tip ? sounds big hoping you can help . thanks
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    l39 dosent move or pump

    thank you very much for your coments . i have considered that and if the problem was just with the hydraulics i would be inclined to agree . in this case however . nothing is working . no drive at all . no hydrilics at all . no power steering . somebody sujested . the clutch . maybe main shaft...
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    l39 dosent move or pump

    hello guys new here but i have been running kubota for many years just picked up an l39 at auction . got it home engine starts and runs fine . tractor will not move forward or reverse . no hydraulic function at all . any idea whats broken ? has any body experienced any thing like this before...