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  1. E

    Tractor dies, then starts right back up?

    Thanks all I will check those things and let you know what I find. Just glad to hear its not anyting devastating/expensive. The battery is probably 5+ years old - do I use it until it dies? Or should I replace it? Is this something I can find at an auto shop or do I need to find a Tractor...
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    Tractor dies, then starts right back up?

    Thanks for the responses. It's a 2018 3301, I bought it at 250 hours in 2021 and it now only has 370 hours on it. I am unclear if this is the original battery or not. Not much in the way of markings. They dont appear loose but could use a cleaning for sure, including the ground connection to...
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    Tractor dies, then starts right back up?

    This was a new one for me. I was grading our road like usual, engine at full temp and about 20 minutes into grading the tractor suddenly dies. Like somebody flipped an on/off switch. The entire dash when dark. Then 3-4 seconds later, the dash lit up again. I cranked the engine and it started...
  4. E

    Lowering a road - Possible?

    Thanks all for your thoughts. It's just a dirt road, no gravel. No chance of hitting bedrock (Glacial till) but could be a giant boulder down there somewhere. I have a place for the dirt at the end of the 150'. I realize it won't be a quick job but I have most of summer to work on it when I...
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    Lowering a road - Possible?

    Hello friends. I have about 150' of 12' wide dirt road that I need to lower about 2.5-3.5 feet. Is it possible to use my scarifiers on my box blade to cut up the material, then scoop with the FEL and remove it? Or is this asking the tractor to do more than it was really designed to do? I am...
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    Warm up time in Winter vs. Summer

    Ugh I do not want to be THAT GUY that asks a hyper controversial question. Sorry about that. Thanks for the info.
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    Warm up time in Winter vs. Summer

    Thanks for that. I know I should not stress the tractor before its fully warmed up but can I move the tractor before warm up is completely done?
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    Warm up time in Winter vs. Summer

    Stupid new guy question: I understand the importance of allowing enough time for warming up the tractor before putting it under stress in cold weather. But what do you do in the summer? This weekend it was close to 80 degrees outside and I still warmed it up for several minutes but wondered...
  9. E

    Can I offset my box blade?

    Ok thank you. Sounds like I just need to use my tractor a lot more and practice. Bummer :LOL:
  10. E

    Can I offset my box blade?

    Ugh I don't think I am explaining my question correctly. My Top n' tilt will tilt the box blade to one side, and will tilt the blade forward or backwards to change the angle relative to the ground. What I want to do (and the top n' tilt doesn't do this) is pull one side of the box blade closer...
  11. E

    Can I offset my box blade?

    Probably a dumb question, but I have a L3301 with a BB1572 box blade and the top n' tilt kit. While I love this set up, I really want to push material back to the center of the road. Can I adjust one of the lift arms to be shorter so that I am dragging the box blade at an angle? I didn't see...
  12. E

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Is algaecide mostly a summer thing? Or should I be adding that all year round even if it gets cold in the winter?
  13. E

    I'm an idiot and lost my keys. Now what?

    Just following up - I ordered a pack of 5 keys from Amazon for $7 and they fit and work perfectly. Thanks again for all the help and believe me I will keep spare keys in different places and have purchased LARGE orange keychains to keep me from losing them in the future :)
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    I'm an idiot and lost my keys. Now what?

    You are all so great. Thank you. I am very relieved this is not going to be an expensive or lengthy mistake!
  15. E

    I'm an idiot and lost my keys. Now what?

    Thank you. I am seeing keys on Amazon that say they work. Are these for real? Ignition Key Fit for Kubota Tractor - Ignition Switch Key Fit for Kubota Mahindra Mitsubishi Case Cad Tractor, L2250 L3400 L3901 MX5000 G6200 L3130 L3301, Replace 32412 H32412 35260-31852, 5 PCS : Automotive
  16. E

    I'm an idiot and lost my keys. Now what?

    2018 3301 Tractor. Not sure what my options are. The good news I guess is that I lost them on my property somewhere so its not like anyone else will find them. Are Tractor keys like car keys? Or are they more like RV/trailer keys where I think you can just buy a master key. Thanks in...
  17. E

    Tractor wont shift into High

    Ok I am an idiot. When I bought my used L3301 (260 hours) I thought I had tried everything on it. I remember shifting from Med to Low to make sure that worked but I guess I was in such a tight space I never tried High. Yesterday I could have used High but when I shift to H it just rolls like...
  18. E

    Who's Using a Trickle Charger / Battery Tender?

    This is a related but probably dumb question. Is there a way to figure out how long you would need to operate your tractor to fully charge a battery? I realize there are a lot of variables there - but I have never used a Tender on my tractor but also have never even had a problem starting it...
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    YES THIS! I had issues with my HST pedal not always returning to full neutral and discovered that only two of the three zerks were being greased by the previous owner (one of the zerks was covered with caked on mud and looked like it hadn't been serviced in forever). Greasing those three zerks...
  20. E

    Emptying the water seperator

    Ok thank you both. I was starting to get paranoid that because I never see the red ring move I was not looking at it right or it was stuck to the bottom :)