Search results

  1. D

    Delivered and Ready to Work

    Excellent! Congratulations, enjoy!
  2. D

    Credit Rating Nonsense

    Good on anyone who remains deft free or as close as possible. Keep banks out of your life, makes life much more simple. Credit scores are nothing more than an identifier to tell banks that you like to borrow money and pay even more money back for the privilege. For what its worth a "ding" of...
  3. D

    Implements for LX3310

    This link from Kubota shows recommended implements for the LX3310. Enjoy!
  4. D

    Frustration with waiting on new Kubota order

    Hang in there, its not fun waiting with little information. However, at some point it will arrive and you will be much happier with the new order rather than paying top dollar for a used piece of equipment that really wasn't what you wanted. Stay strong! :)
  5. D

    LX3310 Pricing and Availability

    I know everyone's experiences lately have been different but here is what I ran into its just a sign of the times. Purchased my L6060 in March along with a third function, rear remotes, rotary cutter, pallet forks, sprayer, seeder, disk harrow, grading scraper and landscape rake. The tractor...
  6. D

    LX3310 Pricing and Availability

    I would strongly suggest that if there are implements (tiller, mowers, etc.) you have your eye on you would want to do the same thing and put a deposit down and get them ordered. Same with any accessories (rear remotes, third functions, etc.). Everything is taking a considerable amount of time...
  7. D

    Is the equipment shortage ending? Probably not, but look at this JD dealer's lot.

    If you are looking for a Top-N-Tilt for the MX5400 listed in your profile I know my local dealer has one in stock right now. I ordered one and they got two of them, its the L8388A kit. From what I see on the Kubota USA site its the same kit for your MX5400. Let me know if you want details, not...
  8. D

    Is the equipment shortage ending? Probably not, but look at this JD dealer's lot.

    My local Kubota dealer in North Idaho seems to be getting a steady delivery of both attachments and tractors. However, nearly 100% of all of it is sold before it hits the ground. They have days where the entire lot is filled and you can drive by the next day and its empty again.
  9. D

    Borrowed Wood Chipper

    Isn't that the one from the movie "Fargo"?
  10. D

    Sad, Sad day

    Put your head up! Many of us are still Americans and always will be. Its the people and their hearts that make this country great. The hard work many of us put in to to the right things for the right reasons. Regardless of social status, religion, color or political affiliation the United...
  11. D

    Business Must Be Good

    I've run into similar situations. I wanted rear remoted for my tractor when I bought it new back in March. They ordered them but somehow they never made it to the dealership. Kubota confirmed they shipped them but nothing. I ended up ordering the remotes myself from Coleman and Hoober and saved...
  12. D

    How long will 0% financing last?

    From what I have seen in my area (North Idaho) and heard others talk about, if you want a tractor next summer you might want to get your name on a list now with a deposit. Seems like its taking longer and longer to get stuff as the "global just in time economy" burns down.
  13. D

    Let'm die!

    Statistically speaking this is true of 87% of people. However, 42% of the time statistics are completely made up.
  14. D

    Small tractor advice

    The modern emissions equipment using more fuel is a urban legend. Regen cycles are definitely reduced with running at higher RPM's. However, I find that at least on my L6060 monitoring its fuel usage (it tells you fuel usage per hour) my fuel efficiency goes up running at higher RPM when working...
  15. D

    Small tractor advice

    Why would this be an issue?
  16. D

    New Warning Stickers Available

    There is a separate California edition of the sticker. In the California edition the tractor is an environmentally friendly non diesel zero emission no carbon low fat decaf soy electric tractor and the pistol is a less lethal low impact single use gentle warning device designed and approved by...
  17. D

    Not a good day at the farm

    Very sorry too hear this story. I feel really bad for you having to deal with this. Just a suggestion, had a neighbor who's barn burned down, his insurance agent suggested he go to Lowes, Home Depot or similar type store and wander the isles to jog his memory of items he had in the barn to be...
  18. D

    Frustration with waiting on new Kubota order

    Keep us posted and let us know if you results are similar to mine. Fingers crossed :)
  19. D

    Frustration with waiting on new Kubota order

    One other note, the estimates they gave me were pretty much spot on. They appear to have a very sophisticated system that tracks every part and assembly.
  20. D

    Frustration with waiting on new Kubota order

    Here is what I did: I think the key point here is to be EXTREMELY polite and professional I told them I completely understood the position that Kubota was working with. I asked them if there was any way to obtain possible estimates on when the items I have currently on order might be available...