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  1. C

    I want to even out my yard - what attachment to do it

    It really scientific, it's a chuck of channel iron edges down with a chunk of chain link fence dragging behind. My bride is charge of mowing with her 25th anniversary JD riding mower that she drives like she stole it! There is quite a ruckas going on but it seems to smooth out the yard. Grass...
  2. C

    Three ways to prove you're drunk

    Quit linking me to YouTube I get lost for an hour watching $#\¥ that ain't right! I will never get that time back!
  3. C

    I want to even out my yard - what attachment to do it

    Our yard was rough and every time we mowed we pulled a drag behind the riding tractor. It spread out the fills such as the ones in your pictures, drove out the moles and knocked down thier hills. The gophers somehow died of lead poisoning for some reason? Huh! We also overseed and fertilize so...
  4. C

    Yard leveling

    Wbk and I followed roughly the same process except the disc harrow part. Round up or startup has no residual issues. I had a field of alfalfa, clover ,broom grass and weeds. I cut it short as I could to try and kill the alfalfa, it helped but it's still there. My BIL works for a bulk...
  5. C

    Thanks for the clogged transmission vent tip

    That tractor reminds me of my bride as it gets better with age! My bota is banged up, leaky, bent and has a duct taped seat! Your FIL treated that girl like it was his own. Dayam that sure is Purdy!
  6. C

    Lend a helping hand in Upper Nine Mile River, Nova Scotia

    No you didn't D2, you applied environmentally friendly dust abatement! Might want to edit your post to say so?
  7. C

    Lend a helping hand in Upper Nine Mile River, Nova Scotia

    We have the opposite problem here in our rural acerage subdivision. When the RM grader goes by he pulls all the gravel at the end of our driveways into the crown which creates a low spot that holds water and turns to mud and pot holes. Everybody here steals the gravel back off the road and...
  8. C

    Quick connect hitch

    Just got my hitch receiver set up and modified. Need some steel and my new welder to get the rear blade set up.
  9. C

    Quick connect hitch

    I have spent more time modifying all my implements to fit my quick hitch than I ever did hooking them up? I think if I ever get them all set up it will be awesome!
  10. C

    What do you use for a welder?

    Can't figure out how to post more than one photo at a time?
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    What do you use for a welder?

    I just went out and bought a Lincoin 225 arc welder used for $140 and had a little mig 100 already. I finally got around to setting my shop up for metal working.
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    with Trump going to be the boss of your country I am not sure you want to be an apprentice? YOUR FIRED!
  13. C

    Pitch Fork holder

    Sorry but I'm with skeets, could just see myself looking up and walking into that!
  14. C

    L1501 hood/instrument panel shaking

    Daren That tractor is way to shiny! Especially the tranny, get that thing dirty, greasy and muddy. I can't wait to give my girl a spring bath but she will never be shiny again.
  15. C

    Well, if you're gonna put that

    If he was from Saskatchewan it would be Riders Green! They bleed green here, football is a way of life!
  16. C

    Does how you speak tell where you're from...

    Y'all didn't include north of the 49th? We have Nefies, Acadians, Acadian Nefies, French Canadians, Upper Canadians, Lower Canadians, Metis French and Cree, Metis French and Ukrainian and every other languages mixed with and French or English. Then you move to the lower mainland (Vancouver)...
  17. C

    Of Course Its Snowing...

    We had bare ground last weekend so I dropped the snow blower that we never used all winter. Snowed for the last two days and blew it all in front of the garage doors. Hardly any snow anywhere else. Guess I still have the bucket?
  18. C

    Apologies To My Canadian Friends...

    Entertaining I must admit! Is Trumps wall going to have a one way gate? If so I hope nobody leaves it open! All the terrorists we are sending that way will sneak in. They should all just head to Sussex Drive in Ottawa, Trudeau is renovating the place and would be glad to let them stay.
  19. C

    Something for 85Hokie's students ......

    This is really cool! I like working with wood better than iron. My millwright son was trying to build a IKEA bed yesterday and my bride had to show him how? I was busy building with WOOD! Lol