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  1. C

    My sharp shooter drain spade...

    I started my adult life in concrete and asphalt paving in about 1983. I have shovelled a gaggle of asphalt, concrete and aggregate in my times. My tool of choice is a square angled Garant heavy steel shovel with a long wood handle. I was taught to grade with this tool, you push and roll so your...
  2. C

    kubota l1500 reverse gear replacement

    Yi need this information as well. My is leaking out the knob as well.
  3. C

    my game feeder

    I am not a big fan of indiscriminately poisoning animals, something is always going to eat that carrion and so on. Don't have a problem shooting big hogs and leaving them. Coyotes gotta eat too! My coworker shot a 500 lb boar and tried to eat it, gave up at the butcher stage. Rankest thing he...
  4. C

    Ear Candy...

    Yes he did!
  5. C

    Kubota Skyroad G1

    My bride does not have the same appreciation for "yard art" that you do? I wanted to keep my 51 Ford 8N in case there was a parade in my neighbourhood and she would hear nothing of it!
  6. C

    welcome Canadians

    Refreshing huh, -31 c with 70 km winds making it -44 c with windchill this morning. Trying to motivate myself to drive to work right now?
  7. C

    Kubota Skyroad G1

    That's a unique unit! Fair bit of machinery for $2300, just don't see a purpose for it on my acerage?
  8. C

    Gas Prices

    yah but I pay for my gas in Canadian dollars! Lol Two of the biggest refineries are 2 hours away from me and we live in a oil rich Province. Tell ya what my friends to the south, let's build a pipeline down to y'all and sell you some reasonable priced crude that you can refine and create jobs?
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    Ear Candy...

    Back in the late 80's I was fortunate enough to see Knopler play with Eric Clapton one of my other guitar heroes. It was amazing how they interacted. Phil Collins was on the drums as well. Playing guitar and singing is hard. According to my bride I shouldn't sing while I play guitar as I am...
  10. C

    Today's weather report....

    Hope moms ok and it's nice to live in a community that looks after its folks. Especially the experienced members of the community!
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas my tractor brothers and sisters! Cheers
  12. C

    That's gotta hurt!!!

    When I was a lad I had a break open pellet gun that I closed and somehow pinched my belly in it? The worst part was I had to break it open to get my skin out of it! We got a bleeder. I still have a scar to remind me of that episode.
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    Problems on site

    That's it bxray, it is really slowing down the site. Frustrating!
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    Problems on site
  15. C

    Problems on site

    I have a problems with these flash up adverts and the site reloading all the time. I use an iPad only to access and don't have any issues with any other forum I am on? Any suggestions?
  16. C

    Weight in back of your Truck

    That is what I was going to warn people about. Whatever you use secure it in the box. Don't need any projectiles taking out our friends and families.
  17. C

    Getting old(er) and the fun of it all!

    My bride is a couple years older than me and when I tease her on her birthday she always says the other alternative is not to be getting older.
  18. C

    Getting old(er) and the fun of it all!

    Gentleman I appreciate those with prostrate cancer sharing your stories with us! That takes courage and fortitude to fight that and we need more fellas to talk about it! I go to my skinny little Doctor that tells me I have high bp, high cholesterol, I drink to much and should live off of beans...
  19. C

    150 hp Duc

    Not sure you have to worry about kicking a 150 hp Duc! Lol If you can your a better man than me, not sure I even want to push start that bike down a steep hill?