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  1. C

    Mods to Land Pride FSP500 - for sanding

    Being an aggregate ( gravel) guy what was the sand you were mixing with the sand and how dry was it?
  2. C

    Canadian sites to buy from?

    Have you looked at what the looney is worth lately? Add customs, shipping and our dollar worth just over half. Buy direct from China on the above links MAY be cheaper? Take a real good look before you hit accept, just saying!
  3. C

    Camper pics

    OK Good luck with that! Lol
  4. C

    Camper pics

    Now it starts! My buddy bought a28' version of your trailer. Parked outside his house for acoiple days while his wife and two girls put a few things in. Went from a lite to an overweight in no time at all!
  5. C

    I know its a rerun, but...

    Gentleman I don't disagree with your comments on common sense! We currently have four generations in the workplace for the first time ever, they older generations have a great deal of experience and knowledge. Many grew up on family farms and business's. They have common sense gained by...
  6. C

    I know its a rerun, but...

    In the safety world they say "there is no such thing as common sense because what may be common to me may not be common to you" At one time everything used to be more common between people?
  7. C

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    True that brother! I would think two fellows with AR's could have dispatched the whole herd in a short time?
  8. C

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    Whooeeeee that's good redneck fun! Blowed them up real good! Lots of smoke and noise for that many hogs.
  9. C

    Any other leather crafters here?

    Why did you pick the tall bald handle? Lol Nice work and good for you to overcome that diversity!
  10. C

    the making of erehwon

    That's quite an undertaking tempforce!
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    the making of erehwon

    What did you drive in there for Wolfman?
  12. C

    So show us a pic of your BX ready for another wild winter

    How the hey did the move that snow and cut those walls? Moved a pile of snow and can't see any iron that could make a 30'+ face? Help me out!
  13. C

    Aluma 6812H Trailer + BX25D

    That's a good point, never even looked at that.
  14. C

    Grading with Bucket is hard. Any tips?

    I always start at the low point and carry my grade up. Minimum of 1" over 10', 2" is better so water will go. 1-2% is my goal.
  15. C

    Grading with Bucket is hard. Any tips?

    I mostly have graded with a skidsteer or a loader. I spread the material out over the area. Fill the bucket with material, set the cutting so it's flat and push forward. Back blade with the cutting edge flat and the float on. Move over a half bucket and repeat until area is covered. Then I do...
  16. C

    Bucket blade

    I just welded on a worn out skidsteer cutting edge. It will out last the life of this old girl.
  17. C

    FEL Wood Splitter

    Nah just get your wife to place logs and stack them as you sit on the tractor and operate the lever(for safety reasons)! Lol
  18. C

    l185 fel bucket repair

    Brought back from the dead because it made me laugh!
  19. C

    So show us a picture of your L1500Dt or any other Kubota beside a Bx ready fo another

    Wild winter! (Title to long) Come on Iis poor! Here's my Kubota hard at it!