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  1. dusty-t

    6' snow blade Modification.

    Hello Joekimtkd,welcome to the forum. Vic gives me too much credit for my fabricating skills. I weld my own stuff and build things for myself only.But I am an amature. Wildfire on the other hand is a professional fabricator.He makes some really nice stuff. I live about 20 kilometers from Durham...
  2. dusty-t

    Bent up tiller

    Thanks Ob1kubota and Vic, I don't think the welds will break, its just that for the most part my welds are ugly. Penetration was ok, just an unsteady hand doing the welding. For the most part I don't have a problem with welds other than appearance. It is only a 19 hp B8200 that the tiller is on...
  3. dusty-t

    Bent up tiller

    I'm almost embarrassed to post my bubble gum welding stuff, but I haven't posted anything in a while. Anyway the son in law bent the snot out of my 4 ft befco tiller. I forgot to take before pictures but I took a couple of after pics. And painted it Kubo orange.The old frame was 3/8 x 1 1/2...
  4. dusty-t

    Adding Aux Hydraulics to a B6000

    Hey Topgear, looks good,theres nothing like having a loader. You can use it for so many jobs. Keep up the good work.:cool:
  5. dusty-t

    1989 - B8200 Front Side Engine Cover Wanted

    Hey Bubbaboss, You can try west kentucky tractor parts, I checked Wengers in pensylvania and they had nothing. Good luck:D
  6. dusty-t

    charge pressure

    The end result was that the hydro was much improved. I don't think it is as good as when it was new but it was a lot better than it had been. You must understand, this tractor had very poor service before I got it. I think it was just 25 or so years of junk build up in the system. I flushed the...
  7. dusty-t

    Can 4x4 be dis-engaged on B8200 non-hydro?

    I have owned a b6000, a b7200 and a b8200. All had diff lock.The b8200 can be taken out of 4 wheel. Mine is a lever on the left hand side below and in front of the seat, up is 4 wheel down is 2 wheel.
  8. dusty-t

    Major Project on the Horizon

    Yer in heaven buddy, there is nothing like having a place to work. Too bad about the hoist.It looks great I'm green with envy:cool:.
  9. dusty-t

    Kubota B7200HST

    I wouldn't say its a nightmare. I enjoy this stuff.I would still like to rip into a hydro unit. But I would like to start with a dead horse, You know some thing that some one doesn't have a few thousand invested in it.That way if I screw it up I'm only out a thousand or fifteen hundred bucks...
  10. dusty-t

    Kubota B7200HST

    Chances are the Hygard is fine but check it out. I thought you meant 10w30 engine oil. If it is that relief valve it should be a fairly simple fix.:D
  11. dusty-t

    Kubota B7200HST

    First I hope that 10w30 is going in the engine and not the hydrostat.Under the seat on the right hand side is a dipstick for checking the hydro fluid.The tractor uses the same oil for the hydraulics and the hydrostat. On the left side under the seat should be a fill plug. this is where you put...
  12. dusty-t

    Kubota B7200HST

    Hey Wrighty. I had almost the same problem with a b7200 hst, loss of power on hills, but no shudderring. I replaced the clutch also, but that was because the clutch was pooched. It had always had low power to the hydrostat but it always did what I needed it to do. After I replaced the clutch I...
  13. dusty-t

    and for my 2nd post ! a hitch question !

    Hey Captjack. If all else fails a local welding shop could make one up fairly quick. Or if your handy make it yourself. There are also tractor recyclers that will ship it to you if they have it. West Kentucky tractor parts, try Messicks and there are other guys out there ,Wengers etc. Good luck...
  14. dusty-t

    Kubota ZTR's

    Hey Wildfire.You will be amazed at how much time the zero turn will save.I have an old Ariens !6 hp zero turn and on a small lot like yours with lots of trees it will put any lawn tractor to shame. I agree go for it.:D
  15. dusty-t

    Major Project on the Horizon

    Hey Michael, That sure looks good.That is going to be a nice shop.:cool:
  16. dusty-t

    B7200 Possible Compression Release Control ???

    Hey Jay. Yes that is the cable for the decompressor.Mine has been seized for years and the tractor starts fine,
  17. dusty-t

    jacobsen T422D - Kubota ?

    Ok thanks for the reply Ed
  18. dusty-t

    jacobsen T422D - Kubota ?

    Hey Guys. I'm thinking of going to look at a jacobsen T422D 4x4 front mount mower. It has a kubota engine but I was wondering if the whole drive train is kubota. Any info would be appreciated.:D
  19. dusty-t

    Yoke Assembly for RC72-29A MMM

    Hey Wehlmer. I had the same problem with my b7200. I ended up buying another mower deck with a shaft for less than the price of the pto shaft.And it was a newer quick attach deck. Check kiiji ,Craigslist, buyandsell.
  20. dusty-t

    Shes miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

    Buddy you stole it. you are gonna have a blast with that thing. Vic or Mr.k can get you books for that tractor. First thing is change every fluid in it. And yes they are about the sweetest thing ever to work on. Congratulations on your new orange baby.:D :dusty