Search results

  1. M

    Rubber "bird's beak" on BX air filter canister?

    Hi Jack not sure if you have heard of Donaldson before but they make air filters and filter housings and a range of air and exhaust parts etc they call the device you describe as a vactuator valve the previous replies are correct in saying that it’s purpose is to release dust from the filter...
  2. M

    Parts manual for L210

    Hi thanks for the tips I have been checking those sites much appreciated.
  3. M

    Parts manual for L210

    Hi Guys thanks for the help I have emailed messicks to see if they will ship out to me as some suppliers only ship within the U.S. Thanks again
  4. M

    Parts manual for L210

    Hi Guys Thanks for the replies unfortunately the site does not have the same feature of being able to look at the parts manual
  5. M

    Parts manual for L210

    Thanks I managed to catch a glimpse at but then get a message pop up that it only for US and then I get redirected.
  6. M

    L200 Glow Plug Conversion

    Hi Nate I am interested in where you picked up your glow plugs and what the part number was as I am chasing some DG220A for my L210. Thanks Regards
  7. M

    Parts manual for L210

    Hi Guys I have just picked up a L210 and was wondering if anyone had a parts manual I have managed to find a service manual online.