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  1. R

    Pre-heating w/ glow plugs

    That is the same way my L3301 works, and the other tractor you have operates like my old Ford operated.
  2. R

    Hydraulic Oil Filter STUCK

    This wrench only crushed my hyd filter or rather dented it greatly. I resorted to a ratchet strap wrench, cheater bar, and big brother inlaw.
  3. R

    3560- 50 hour maintenance

    Thats a big 10 4 on that Sheepfarmer, some of those factory boys know how to tighten a filter for sure. glennsorange, but sure to have the new filters in hand when you go to change them in case you break the old one removing it.
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    kubota l2250

    Not familiar with that tractor but, Is it possible that the radiator cap is too high pressure to allow coolant to get to the overflow tank? If not it's possible the hose to said tank is plugged.
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    Grading a new driveway

    My new driveway to the new house we are building is paved with 4'' of clay gravel, which after construction will be capped with gray crushed granite, which we call SP2. It's great stuff which will set up after time and will be a great drive. Only thing until then the heavy concrete trucks and...
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    Exhaust Extension Pipe

    I start my 1948 Chrysler and keep it running for about a minute, then open the door and back out. My L3301 sleeps outside at the present.
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    Nostalgic Accessory

    Hand warmer...;)
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    Bought my first tractor

    Reminds me of the guy that spent $7500 on a SLR camera with all the goodies and then complained that a roll of film was $3.50. Or the guy at the shotgun range who paid 10K for a shotgun and gripes about $7 box of shells....
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    Ran tractor out of oil, need to pull the engine

    Great news. Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
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    Tips for removing Hyd filter.

    Ok, filter removed and new one on. :) Tried all the wrench types, cup, band, ratchet, even borrowed a chain wrench and all it did was crush the filter. So found one of my older band type with a 1/2 drive breaker bar, cheater pipe and brother inlaw with BIG muscles and he cracked it loose. :cool...
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    Tips for removing Hyd filter.

    Thanks for the tips, still not loosened filter yet. I don't have confidence in the screw driver as it will shred the filter as tight as it is. I do not have the chain wrench as yet but sounds like it may do it. Don't want to damage the old filter and not get it off. I will report back with...
  12. R

    Tips for removing Hyd filter.

    Wow, I have owned 8 tractors and numbers of automobiles that I have always serviced and am pretty experianced in removing oil filters. Got all my filters changed on the L3301 except the hyd. filter, it refuses to budge. I have broken 2 filter wrenches trying to loosen the filter with no...
  13. R

    B7100 question: Is this a broken head bolt?

    ThinK i would try to center punch, left hand drill bit, then an ease out. Sometime I have been lucky and gotten the bolts out. If that didn't work it would be off with the head.
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    Battery replacement?

    I have used Walmart batteries for years in cars, trucks, and tractors, never a question of what they go in. Never had one to last less than 5 years either.
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    I needed an extra key...

    Back in the day, my father in law was general manager of a large farm of about 30 k acres down here in the delta. One night he was called out by the county sheriff to come to one of the fields where two kids around age of 12 years old were or had been joy riding in the field. They were driving...
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    Shell rottella hd

    Used to be an old TV add, where the Gomer looking character would say (motor ool is motor ool. My daddy always bought the re-refined motor oil for the old Studabaker, it smoked with any oil. :sneaky: I am different, use recommended spec oil myself.
  17. R

    Does my tractor have an oil filter? I want to change the engine oil. My manual doesn't mention one.

    The last engine of any size that didn't have an oil filter that I know of was the Model A Ford engine. :unsure:
  18. R

    M7040 LA1153 cracking factory welds, loader

    Vibration is an enemy of welding. After 3600 hrs. of operation it's possible that was the main cause. However it does appear to be a little light on penetration. 7018 is a good rod for mild steel
  19. R

    OK, So I do not need a new tractor! But a excavator? Maybe...HELP!

    Looks like the operator knows how to use it for sure.