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  1. TurfLife27

    Yoke OhNo! - Year Unknown - 1980 something M6800

    Does your yoke stick out that far? The the seal have a "lip" that covers the excess of the yoke?
  2. TurfLife27

    Yoke OhNo! - Year Unknown - 1980 something M6800

    Cool - I'll head to the Parts House - get a look at the seal to get a better Idea ( I always order in 2's with a consumable) Yea - draining wont be an issue - there is barely anything left - Thanks for the repplies and help.
  3. TurfLife27

    Yoke OhNo! - Year Unknown - 1980 something M6800

    Thanks - Yea, for the life of me I cant remember how it sat with the seal. There is no play, and works as it should.
  4. TurfLife27

    Yoke OhNo! - Year Unknown - 1980 something M6800

    Haven't touched it yet - If I'm opening it up, I'm replacing all - So, I'm going to make a pick list beforehand.
  5. TurfLife27

    Yoke OhNo! - Year Unknown - 1980 something M6800

    Seen Hydro oil leak under tractor - Obviously a Yoke Seal - No problem - But I noticed the yoke to be some what extended out? I dont recall the lip it is showing -My Deeres are flush - The PTO operates as it should. Before I just replace the seal - I'd like to get y'alls thoughts. Thanks.