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  1. D

    Case cracking 3 point backhoe

    I was driving it home from the guy I bought it from. It was a “relatively” short drive. The 3/4 ton truck took in stride.
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    Case cracking 3 point backhoe

    Indeed! Did not know about ladder subframes tho!
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    Case cracking 3 point backhoe

    Currently own an L3600 with LA680 FEL. My only options for backhoe seem to be a 3 point version. Considering fabricating my own undercarriage but the FEL seems to doing this already??? Disregard the terrible tongue weight
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    WTB B4690 Backhoe near Ohio.

    I shall roll some dice then?
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    WTB B4690 Backhoe near Ohio.

    Wanted to buy a B4690 Backhoe attachment near ohio. Got one in an old barn you arent using? Please let me know.
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    L3600 4wd GST Front right axle seal / knuckle seal

    Ok so wedge off that top one and pull out the bottom- The new ones are now one piece! Thanks for your reply!!
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    L3600 4wd GST Front right axle seal / knuckle seal

    I am trying to determine if the old seal is one of the two part seals, and I need to remove the part on the upper knuckle and the part on the bottom. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!!!