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  • Hi Tughill Tom,
    Are you anywhere close to Carpenter Road and the Timberview Resort? We try and ride the Honda Pioneer side by side up there at least once a year.
    We like to ride the side by side on the seasonal roads up on top of the plateau. It's very scenic there.
    The tornado near Turin several years ago sure left a pretty good stripe of destruction up there!
    I'm several hours south/southeast from you and live outside Norwich, NY. (Norwich is about an hour south of Utica on State Route 12)
    Anyway, it is nice to see semi-locals here on OTT.
    I met OTT Member "RCW" last week in person.

    BX25D Rookie
    Tughill Tom
    Yup, that's my Hood. I Groom for TRR and live at Ground Zero of the tornado, but just missed us.
    Give me shout out when y"all come on up and I'll give you guided tour!
    FYI, The Un-official SNIRT is April 26th.
    BX25D Rookie
    BX25D Rookie
    Will do, Thanks for the invitation!
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