Recent content by Yotekiller

  1. Yotekiller

    Is Everything Attachments open again?

    Yup, I have said what I have to say and can leave it alone in this group. Curious though, are members allowed opinions in other threads on this site? Say for example if someone is having an issue with a tractor that I don't own, am I entitled to offer an opinion in THAT situation?
  2. Yotekiller

    Is Everything Attachments open again?

    I belong to several tractor discussion groups and have seen, and STILL SEE, several people coming into the various groups saying they paid for and have not received the product they ordered from EA and have never been contacted. I have seen countless of people say that they never received any...
  3. Yotekiller

    Is Everything Attachments open again?

    Agreed. What or why it happened means nothing to me. What I feel says a lot about who they are as a company is how they handled the situation. They continued to allow their website to accept payment for orders well after they had shut down the factory. They never gave ANY answers or responses to...
  4. Yotekiller

    Knife collection.

    Not sure if I should be slapped or congratulated, I really feel like slapped. :LOL: But to be honest, there isn't a better woman on the planet, she's truly one of a kind. She never gets mad, never has a cross word to say about anyone or anything, and lives to make sure I am happy. She said she...
  5. Yotekiller

    Knife collection.

    I have been collecting knives for years, since I was a kid. I use to make knives but haven't in years because I sold most of my tools after my divorce several years ago, including all of my forging equipment. Previously, I had built my own 2x72 knife grinder and it worked well, really hated to...
  6. Yotekiller

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I've got the same grapple. That thing is built well and works great!
  7. Yotekiller

    Knife collection.

    Those are stunning!
  8. Yotekiller

    Knife collection.

    I see a few Kershaws in there which are my favorite EDC knives. The Blur is the one I typically carry off work and the Leek is usually the one I carry when I'm in the office.
  9. Yotekiller

    Don't buy a bigger tractor than you need.

    That's why I said choose the tractor for your intended use, not amount of acres. I put in months of research on what I "needed" at a minimum to accomplish my tasks. The L series fit the bill because it was more about tractor weight and lift capacity for me and not about HP. If my land was all...
  10. Yotekiller

    Don't buy a bigger tractor than you need.

    I will have to disagree. I think your uses dictate the tractor you need, not the size of your property. I have well over 10 acres and my 2502 does everything I need it to do. I don't mow with it but do till deer plots and a large yearly garden and it handles those fine. It brings huge trees out...
  11. Yotekiller

    Cellular security camera / trail camera for weekend camp..?

    My only experience with cellular cameras re the several Moultries I have on my property. They take good photos and videos, they send the pics to my phone within seconds but you have click on the video and "request it" before you will be able to view the video. And it doesn't download the...
  12. Yotekiller

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Looks well made to me!
  13. Yotekiller

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Homestead makes some nice stuff and they have great customer service.
  14. Yotekiller

    Don't buy a bigger tractor than you need.

    I tend to believe that acres has less to do with a tractor choice and that intended USE plays much more in the decision. Someone who needs a tractor to mow 100 acres probably has different tractor needs than a guy who uses a tractor to maintain trails through a 100 acres of woods. I bought a...
  15. Yotekiller

    Pro and Con on using a Pat’s Easy Change Quick

    I have hydraulic T&T. The first solid quick hitch I used made it really hard to access the PTO for hooking up the PTO. It also would not allow use of a post hole digger because of the driveshaft. The Pat's will work on pretty much ANY implement I use and not just QH compatible ones. It even...