Recent content by Soopitup

  1. Soopitup

    3rd function install Question.

    Hold up, you have this confused. You're telling him the wrong ports. The Summit site isn't working right now, so I don't know how they tell you to hook it up, but there's only 2 ways you can do it correctly. You either hook it up before or after the loader valve. Neither of which involve the...
  2. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    You are correct about the Land Pride kit. Incorrect about the WR Long kit. Per their instructions (I've never done this) one "side" of the WR Long kit connects to the PB port of the loader valve while the other "side" connects to the hose end that was disconnected from the PB port. It doesn't...
  3. Soopitup

    Adding SSQA Adaptor on B2620

    Rear ballast doesn't work like that. It helps (and is necessary) to stabilize/balance the tractor when there's too much weight on the front of the tractor. It doesn't add to the amount of weight the loader can lift. It does make it safer to lift heavy loads.
  4. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    Kubota makes a diverter valve kit. Similar to a third function but it diverts pressure away from one circuit to feed another while a third function allows multiple circuits to work at the same time. In this case the diverter valve temporarily replaces the curl function. You can't curl and run...
  5. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    No, you got it right. That's how the routing goes. When you said this At first I thought you were saying the length of the hoses in the 2 different kits should be almost the same length. Which I was trying to explain wasn't the case, not even close. Then I realized you must be saying the...
  6. Soopitup

    Adding SSQA Adaptor on B2620

    I believe this just pins on to your loader, with no mods necessary. If that's the case, you can still use pin on implements if needed, you'll just have to unpin the adapter and pin on whatever implement you want. This is important because it still gives you the extra lift capacity if you need...
  7. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    I was referencing below. There is much more than a couple of inches difference in hose length. This is basically how the Land Pride kit is set up. The pump outlet is on top of the transmission, it couples to a line that loops around to the right side to the block where Land Pride has you...
  8. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    I wonder why they don't have those instructions easily available on their site? The WR Long instructions are easier to read. They're also less informative. If you know these tractors well you don't need the extra info from the Land Pride kit. Or you can find it elsewhere. But if you are doing...
  9. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    You mentioned it in this thread? *Found it* It's also on page 3 of the 80 series instructions. And on at least some of the aftermarket instructions. The Land Pride caution specifically states not to connect to the loader power beyond if it feeds rear implements like the backhoe. Others mention...
  10. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    We definitely agree the dealer is at fault and should fix it. If the fit was that off they should have said something. Specifically for the BX, There are 2 Land Pride 80 series kits. They are identical except for the connectors at the loader. One has flat face couplers and one has pioneer...
  11. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    I see what happened. Someone at Messicks wasn't paying attention. Quick search for "Messicks BX23s third function kit" brings this up. First hit takes you to a page with all their Kubota third function kits. Scroll to the LA340/344 and you get this...
  12. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    There's a Kubota diverter valve kit. That's cheaper I think. That's not that picture either though.
  13. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    From the Land Pride site BX 60/70 series 3rd function 380-337A and 380-137A BX 80 series 3rd function 380-339A and 380-289A I believe...
  14. Soopitup

    BX 23S Third-Function Question

    Those are Land Pride kits? What are the part numbers? Unless the loader valve is under the right fender and not under the joystick that first kit wouldn't work for an 80 series. That second kit looks nothing like mine.