Recent content by Mak65

  1. M

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    The back of the sight glass is pure white. If that is what you see it’s low. Any shade of straw (unless dyed) it is fluid. I had the same issue when I first got mine. I didn’t realize how white that eye is. I had my doubts what appeared to be a small bubble at the top actually was one. My...
  2. M

    RTA1266 PTO conical dog bolt

    Thanks Sporto. I intend to run the nut down to just before the bolt end clears it. I should be able to give the nut/bolt pretty good taps like that,
  3. M

    RTA1266 PTO conical dog bolt

    Thanks Lugbolt but as I mentioned I jumped on to a very old thread. Yes, I do want to make sure the shaft length is correct for my setup. However, my question relates to the bolt (#5 in first diagram above). It appears to be stuck on my pto shaft. I’ve put PB Blaster on it and hope it...
  4. M

    RTA1266 PTO conical dog bolt

    I know this is an old thread but it helps to aid in my question. I purchased a barely used LP RGR 1258. Though it was barely used I want to remove the PTO driveline and clean it all up. Make sure its length is correct. And, eventually perform the slip clutch process. The carriage dog bolt (#5...
  5. M

    What's your fuel consumption like?

    I have a L2501 HST. This past weekend I mowed for 4.25 hours w/ a 5’ mower. I do wildlife management so the fields grow all year and the grass/weeds are thick and tall (some over hood height). The 10 gallon tank was full when I started and it took exactly 5 gallons to refill. So, a bit...
  6. M

    Radiator screen problem solved.

    Oh, don’t get me wrong. The arms are raised and cylinder safety stops installed before I get under them, too.
  7. M

    Radiator screen problem solved.

    I have a L2501 and the screen in front of my radiator has small tabs to grab on each side to pull. The L3301 doesn’t? Odd. The problem I have is the loader arms have to be raised to pull it completely clear.
  8. M

    Daily Chuckle

    It’s in the corner not in the photo. Hard to get a walk-in cooler that large included without a wide lens.
  9. M

    Kubota refuses to honor my 5 Year Emissions Warranty on my B3350

    Call maybe, meeting likely not, but you could always ask if you can be in on it. It is your tractor. Worst that can happen is the GM says no.
  10. M

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Off the beaten path but roughly midway between Bryan/College Station and Waco.
  11. M

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Thanks! Just paid off. My wife and I purchased it back in Jan. 2019 after we got the last of three through college. Previous owner used the open acreage for hay production. We’ve been slowly returning it back to nature under wildlife management. Anything new? Met with the custom home...
  12. M

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Well, it wasn’t to or on my Kubota but I made the final payment on its 45-acre home today.
  13. M

    Hydraulic Cylinders and useless O-rings

    5 minutes? I’ve seen Wolfman answer questions BEFORE they were asked. I enjoy reading his responses on issues even when I don’t understand the issue - or the answer. The man is a wealth of knowledge.
  14. M

    Proof that God exists......Miracles do happen.

    God blessed Theo by keeping grandpa from having any vital organs damaged. May He continue to bless you, Theo and the rest of your family for many years to come. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  15. M

    Rotary tillers

    3.9 - 5.9”