Recent content by KubotaCool

  1. K

    Get nothing when turning the key

    This should be the electrical circuit you are looking for on this, it may help
  2. K

    L35 White Smoke

    Another thing is that it may be a timing issue, if the spoke clears up when warm this could be the issue if the compression comes back as good this could be worthy of a check.
  3. K

    ZG127S Fuel Tank Removal

    I saw we posted at the same time just wanted to pop a notification for you just so you can see the above
  4. K

    ZG127S Fuel Tank Removal

    Yes, if you would like to know how to do it though on your own.....Give this a swing.
  5. K

    HST Speed Range Detents

    If you have checked everything externally that links to it then I wonder if it could be maybe a shift fork or detent ball issue. (tension spring, worn part, or bent) When you hold it does it stay in gear and then slip whenever you let it go?
  6. K

    B2650 Won’t Start

    I think this should be the location of the switch. I would look to check it out.