Recent content by Kickstart

  1. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Thanks, some good info there. Baiting? lively debate maybe. :) Just want to use the best filter I can on my new toy and really don't care about the cost.
  2. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Well Kenny I was hoping you had some solid facts not just opinions. I used Fram only as an example not as the best or worst filter because I have no positive way to make that statment. I have open many filters over the years but opening a filter and looking at the components does not really...
  3. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Kenny, sounds like maybe your the guy to talk to about filters, so I have a few general questions. 1. How do you determine cheep media? 2. You mention other components, could you expand on what other components you are talking about and what to look for? 3. Method of assembly? what do you...
  4. K

    3240 50-hour service

    I have done that and looking at the paper or whatever they use does not tell you anything about the filtering quality. FRAM has 4 types of filtering media which one did you look at? There have been several limited independant studies /...
  5. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Have not seen this but agree with you on not buying them.
  6. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Have never had any filter fail, and like most don't have any way to verify how well they filter.
  7. K

    3240 50-hour service

    So you got nothing! :D
  8. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Lets forget about the $$ and the price of the Tractor for a minute and just talk about the filters. You say there is no reason to go cheap on the filters but do you know anything about the Kubota filter and what I mean by that is the micron ratings? Fram has 4 grades each not only filtering...
  9. K

    3240 50-hour service

    I just figure as long as it's covered by a Warranty I'll do what they suggest in my 2010 manual. I'm sure an older tractor has different API requirements and most of the oil today will be above those ratings. 10W-30 Rotella will work fine in mine! Next we could talk about Kubota filters vs...
  10. K

    3240 50-hour service

    The shop manual gives several weights but none are 5W30, 10W30, 10W40 or straight 10,20,30W depending on temp. Oil change every 100 HRS.
  11. K

    3240 50-hour service

    I found this about synthetic oils. Q: If I use synthetic oil, can I extend my oil change interval? A: No. Since Kubota can not test every type of synthetic oil, we can not predict how long it will last in the engine. So the oil change interval must...
  12. K

    3240 50-hour service

    Hey Y'all, this being my first post here due to not finding any intro forum. I have a L4400 and I also have the shop manual a few more $$ but worth every penny. I'm getting ready to do the 50 hr changes and the Shop Manual requires the engine oil and Hyd filters be changed along with the...