Recent content by Gary Olson

  1. Gary Olson

    Daily Chuckle

    Do not dismiss the part "accounting engineers" contribute to bad design and implementation. Have you ever listened to and "accounting engineer" randomly decide to take 10% out of a project element?
  2. Gary Olson

    Daily Chuckle

  3. Gary Olson

    Machine Shop Safety Reminder

    I kept telling one of my techs to take off those chain bracelets and necklace when changing batteries on the closet UPS. One time I did not reiterate, his bracelet shorted across a battery. Only a 7Ah 120v battery in serial with another battery. But fried the pretty off; and tripped the UPS...
  4. Gary Olson

    Roundup active ingredient change

    KillAll has 3X the glyphosate as standard weed killers. I just keep KillAll and dilute as necessary.
  5. Gary Olson

    Weather Stations

    Pffft 3 miles. Nearest town is 12 miles away. I get 12" rain; town gets8". Town gets hail; we get sunshine. Town temperatures are always 8F different -- up or down depending on wind direction, phase of moon, etc And the TV newscaster is way off.....
  6. Gary Olson

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    5 inches of rain rearranged the driveway gravel. Put the gravel back where it belongs with the bucket. The previous owner put in flower bed mounds directly in the path of the natural drainage path. Now the runoff rearranges the driveway gravel. Dug a drainage across one loop of the drive and...
  7. Gary Olson

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I did not remove the now dead thorn bushes I sprayed a while back.
  8. Gary Olson

    To flail or brush hog with L2501?

    Seems I am looking for what is called an orchard mower in the flail mowers; with Y cutters. Interesting. This avoids trailing equipment multiple feet behind; which was a requirement in my head I didn't post.
  9. Gary Olson

    To flail or brush hog with L2501?

    Mowers wider than 48" state PTO 25HP minimum. Outside my power range.
  10. Gary Olson

    To flail or brush hog with L2501?

    The neighbors used large equipment to mow and bail the easy fields. I am left with the small, hilly, tedious fields. Since the PTO output max is 15 HP, the maximum size mower I can get is 48" wide. So, the question is to flail or brush hog? From what I can find, the large equipment OEMs don't...
  11. Gary Olson

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I need weight on the front, I grab a large log with the grapple. Most useful when the 3pt 45gal sprayer is full. Halfway thru the tank, I can drop the log. I don't have to get out a lift heavy metal things which are dangerous for my feet.
  12. Gary Olson

    Concealed Carry Gun?

    Beretta in various models depending on season and cover from clothes. The 1911 style always felt wrong. I am no help to the OP.
  13. Gary Olson

    Daily Chuckle

  14. Gary Olson

    How about a 6 ply roof

    How do you change your roof for snow in the winter?
  15. Gary Olson

    Daily Chuckle