Live just NW of Houston and are expecting snow early in the morning. This has screwed up the delivery of our L4600. My salesman said the backhoe was suppose to arrive today. Delivery is now moved to Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Will only be using the tractor on our property so probably won't be getting a trailer. Already had a friend( yea!) ask if he could use my new tractor that I haven't even received yet. My wife and I agreed that if we don't have a trailer for the tractor, then it can't go anywhere . Don't mean to be that way,but hell, I'm paying way too much to lend it out. My wife and I want to learn how to use it first. I could buy 2 PU trucks what we'll be paying for our tractor. Just retired from a city fire dept. and instead of going out a buying me a Harley like most of my brother firefighters did when they retired, I'm going to buy a tractor. Not as dangerous as a Harley. And we are going to have a shop building built behind our house with room for the tractor. The shop( 40'X60') will have a wall across the middle. Half for my shop and half for my wife's craft room. Will also have a 10'X60' lean the whole length of the building........Steve.