Sorry for the late reply here, been following another expensive hobby for a bit. Got a green (sorry they didn't have orange) jeep wrangler for off roading.
67 here, this is my mid life crisis I guess. Got the kubota in 2007
My wife does her age in celsius - that makes me 19
IT is a thing.....I just joined the OTT group. So I'm 59 and I just brought a new BX 2370 into a neighborhood full of John Deeres. My Kubota is a head turner. It could be my imagination, but I think the neighborhood women are paying a little more attention, and listening for the sound of the 3 cylinder diesel over that JD buzz. I've got all the neighborhood guys reaching for the blue pills. Is it my imagination, or is there thing about the Orange machine?
Body is 67. Mind still dreams of sex, drugs and rock and roll.